陶芸家 大樋年雄ブログ

  Ceramic Artist Toshio Ohi Blog


・2010.12.31   大晦日/The last day of 2010
・2010.12.30   スロベニアからの友人/friend from Slovenia
・2010.12.24   美術家まつり/The party for the artists
・2010.12.21   橋本聖子参議院議員/member of the House of Councilor Hshioto Seiko
・2010.12.14   ミュージカルFAME金沢公演/Musical FAME in Kanazawa
・2010.12.13   金沢美術工芸大学講義/Lecture at Kanazawa College of Arts and Crafts

・2010.11.30   福岡三越個展②/Exhibition of Fukuoka Mitsukoshi
・2010.11.24   福岡三越個展①/Exhibition of Fukuoka Mitsukoshi
・2010.11.23   中国北京清華大学 副教授 章星氏来宅/Visited Tsinghua University Prof Zhang Xing
・2010.11.23   北元喜雄氏告別式/funeral service Mr Kitamoto Nobuo
・2010.11.22   建築家 岡田新一先生夫妻の金沢/Architect Mr & Mrs Okada Shinichi in Kanazawa
・2010.11.21   第42回日展会場当番/My turn on the 42nd Nitten duty
・2010.11.20   第2回金沢まち文化フォーラム/The 2nd Kanazawa City & Culture Forum
・2010.11.19   第10回IBM北陸信越会議/the10th IBM Hokuriku-Shinetsu Block Meeting
・2010.11.17   石川竹田会/Ishikawa Takeda Society
・2010.11.16   ②日中韓文化フォーラム 於 奈良薬師寺/Japan.China.& Korea Crafts Exhibition at Nara
・2010.11.15   ①日中韓文化フォーラム 於 奈良/Japan.China.& Korea Crafts Exhibition at Nara
・2010.11.14   国際文化創造会議③/International Conference on Culture & Development 3
・2010.11.11   国際文化創造会議②/International Conference on Culture & Development 2
・2010.11.10   国際文化創造会議①/International Conference on Culture & Development 1
・2010.11.08   福岡/FUKUOKA
・2010.11.03   第1回金沢まち文化フォーラム/The 1st Kanazawa City Culture Forum

・2010.10.30   ガス展の会食/dinner for Gas Exhivition
・2010.10.30   第43回裏千家青年部北陸信越ブロック会員大会/The 43rd Urasenke Youth Hokuriku Sinetsu Block
・2010.10.29   第42回日展開幕/The 42nd Openning Nitten
・2010.10.28   ガス展/Gas Exhibition
・2010.10.27   京都ブランドフォーラムin 金沢/Kyoto Brand Forum in Kanazawa
・2010.10.24   サウジアラビアからのお客様/Guest from Saudi Arabia
・2010.10.24   裏千家青年部浜松青年部来宅/Urasenke Hamatsu Seinenbu visited Ohi Museum.
・2010.10.23   どうしよう!たくさんの方々が金沢へ/What can I do ? Many my friens in Kanazawa!
・2010.10.22   全国餃子サミット/All Japan Gyoza Summit
・2010.10.21   黛まどかさんの桃夜句会/Momoyo Haiku School by Mayuzumi Madoka
・2010.10.17   裏千家淡交会石川支部物故者法要茶会/Urasenke Ishikawa eceased Tea Ceremony
・2010.10.16   福岡 古賀千佳嗣、権藤まきさんの披露宴/wedding Koga Chikashi & Gondo Miki in Fukuoka
・2010.10.15   金沢おしゃれメッセ/Kanazawagonomi Oshale Messe
・2010.10.14   辰巳琢郎氏の山形ワイン取材に同行/with Actor Tatsumi Takuro in Yamagata pref.
・2010.10.10   塚本家の披露宴/Weeding for Tsukamoto Family
・2010.10.09   まるびぃonザ ラジオに出演/Public Live Radio
・2010.10.07   eAT’11 KANAZAWA 実行委員会/executive committee
・2010.10.06   奈良•薬師寺/Nara Yakusiji Temple
・2010.10.05   天河神社•熊野古道/Tenkawa Shrine and Kumano Anccient Road
・2010.10.03   カナザワ文化発見講座/Discover Kanazawa Culture from Lecture
・2010.10.03   体感!金沢の旅オプショナルツアー/Visiting Kanazawa Optional Toure
・2010.10.02   体感!金沢の旅名匠の茶会/Visiting Kanazawa and attending Tea Ceremony

・2010.09.20   高岡市金屋町「楽市」/Takaoka city Kanaya Crafts Project
・2010.09.18   三谷育英会設立50周年記念/50 years of The Mitani scholarship association
・2010.09.13   中国·四川省·成都から北京への機内で/China Sichuan Chengdu-Beijing flight
・2010.09.11   中国·四川省·九寨溝•黄龍•成都市/China Sichuan Jiuzhai、Huang Long & Chengdu City)
・2010.09.10   中国•チベット•四川九寨黄龍/China•Tibet•Jiuzhaihuanglong
・2010.09.05   長谷川等伯没後400年記念茶会/Tea Ceremony for Hasegawa Tohaku after his 400 years death
・2010.09.04   JIDF 東京藝大フォーラム/JIDF Naitional University of Tokyo College of Art Forum
・2010.09.03   檀ふみさん来宅/Actress Dan Fumi visited Ohi Mueum
・2010.09.02   壇ふみさんの作陶/Actress Dan Fumi makes tea bowl

・2010.08.27   裏千家四国定期巡回講師/Visiting to Shikoku for Urasenke Visiting Lecture

・2010.07.29   花の茶会/Flower Tea Ceremony
・2010.07.18   高瀬由紀さんのファションショー/Takase Yuki Fashion Show
・2010.07.14   Jonathan Nibbe帰国/returning home
・2010.07.10   PRESRON & CHRIS SUMMER SCHOOL in Kanazawa
・2010.07.02   マービン スイート57歳/Marvin Sweet 57

・2010.06.28   中国新疆ウイグル自治区ウルムチ•トルファン/CHINA UIGHUR URUMUQI TOLUFAN
・2010.06.25   中国/CHINA
・2010.06.21   石川県立金沢泉丘高校自転車乗車マナー指導/IZUMIGAOKA High School bicycle ride manner
・2010.06.19   Japan Society Earle Joe氏が訪問 Visiting Kanazawa and OHI MUSEUM
・2010.06.17   藪内佐斗司 大樋年雄二人展/Exhibition with Mr Yabuuchi Satoshi
・2010.06.12   機中で観た映画 インビクタス/Movie Invictus in the flight
・2010.06.12   真夜中の成田/Middnight Narita Airport
・2010.06.11   日展金沢展ギャラリートーク/Nitten Kanazawa Exhibition Gallery Talk
・2010.06.08   誕生日/My Birthday

・2010.05.26   金沢今日会/Kanazawa Urasenke Konnichikai
・2010.05.25   エルメス招待翌日/The day after Hermes Inviation
・2010.05.24   エルメス招待/Hermes Japon Invitation
・2010.05.13   ポールボキューズ夕食会/Paul Bocuse Invited dinner
・2010.05.12   フランス•アジア移動大使来宅/Ambassador France Jacques and tita Valade visited
・2010.05.11   EUふみの会/Memory for 2001 EU TRIP with Ms.Kimura Fumi
・2010.05.08   金沢世界工芸トリエンナーレ開幕/First International Triennale of Kogei Kanaawa
・2010.05.07   エルメス職人の文化交流/The cultural exchange of the Hermes craftsman
・2010.05.07   金箔•銀箔立礼卓を考案/Gold leaf and Silver leaf Tea Ceremony Table

・2010.04.26   ボストン/Boston
・2010.04.25   BOSTONでの茶道/BOSTON The Way of Tea
・2010.04.23   ニューヨーク/New York
・2010.04.17   鳩山首相主催 桜を観る会/Invited Cherry Blossom Viewing Party by Prim Minister Hatoyama
・2010.04.13   東京日本橋三越個展/Tokyo Niponbashi Mitsukoshi Exhibition
・2010.04.05   故 大角勲先生の通夜/A wake of Okado Isao sensei
・2010.04.04   伊左治博子さんの茶事に招かれて/invited Tea Ceremony by Mrs.Isaji Hiroko
・2010.04.03   香港より簡永楨(Richard W.C.Kan)氏来宅/Mr.Richard W.C.Kan visited from Hong Kong

・2010.03.30   台湾故宮美術館館長 林曼麗氏一行来宅/Taiwanese old palace Museum director Lin Man Li visited
・2010.03.29   第1回金沢工芸トリエンナーレ開催委員会/The 1st Kanazawa world Crafts Triennale holding Committee
・2010.03.26   第49回日本現代工芸美術展/The 49th Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Conpetition
・2010.03.21   裏千家青年部全国大会/The 15th Urasenke Youth Division National Convention
・2010.03.13   卯辰山工芸工房修了式/Graduation of Kanazawa Utatsuyama Crafts Center
・2010.03.07   四代徳田八十吉襲名披露宴/Succession to the 4th Tokuda Yasokichi
・2010.03.05   金沢泉丘高等学校卒業式/Kanazawa Izumigaoka High School graduation ceremony
・2010.03.05   第66回金沢市工芸展/The 66th Kanazawa Arts and Crafts Exhibiton
・2010.03.03   エルメス•ジャパン一行/HERMES JAPAN VISITED
・2010.03.01   スェーデン大使夫妻来宅/Ambassador of Sweden Visited Ohi Museum

・2010.02.07   モントレージャズフェスティバル能登プレイベント/Jazz Festival in Noto
・2010.02.07   金沢の休日•友人の個展/Frieds’ Exhibitions
・2010.02.06   現代工芸美術家協会石川会総会/General Meeting of Contemporary Crafts Asociation Ishikawa
・2010.02.03   静岡県•石川県交流事業/Shizuoka Prefecture & Ishikawa Prefecture Exchange Program

・2010.01.30   eAT金沢/eAT KANAZAWA
・2010.01.24   静岡での九つの音色展/The Nine Harmony Exhibition
・2010.01.22   竹村友里さんの個展/Exhibition of Takemura Yuri
・2010.01.18   裏千家東京道場初釜式/Urasenke Tokyo New Years’ Tea Ceremony
・2010.01.14   金沢の大雪•金沢大学留学生の授業開始/Heavy Snow in Kanzawa•Started Kanazawa University Class
・2010.01.10   金沢版クラフトツーリズム/Kanazawa Crafts Tourism
・2010.01.13   フランス人記者の取材/Interview from L’EST REPUBLICAIN France
・2010.01.06   米澤賢司氏/Mr.Yonezawa Kenji(member of a Prefectural Assembly)
・2010.01.01   平成22年の誓い/Make a wish for 2010


■大晦日/The last day of 2010


 長谷川等伯茶会での裏千家大宗匠 千玄室氏、裏千家石川支部長 小田禎彦氏(加賀屋取締役社長)を迎えする。
 Memorial Tea Ceremony for Painter Hasegawa Tohaku.
 My parents were hosted and guest were Urasenke Great Master Mr Sen Genshitu
 and Mr Oda Sadahiko (president of Urasenke Ishikawa Chapter)









 One year when anyone says is early. I realize too.
 I want to inspect the message at the beginning of the year.

 I do not talk about the dream.
 I always have it built-in in a heart.
 It is still the same feeling.

 I intend to go for a trip in □ summer as having been impressed before in Colorado.
 It should become the exhibition product of Nitten of this year.
 I went to Sichuan of China on last summer.I could share in the inspiration of the work".
 The inspiration there affects my work greatly.

 Like balance of subjectivity and the objectivity, by Mr. Kitaro Nishida.
 There will be it humbly without insisting on self.
 The tea ceremony is my lifework, and it is an important foundation.
 My father was the host of big tea ceremony, and I intend to have supported it in spite of being a shade.
 He took time while he considered hard,
 and falling into a error and expected it from it.
 I felt anger for the behavior of the person in charge who should have been a tea ceremony concerned with.
 Own tea utencils are important thing not TUTAYA(renting video).
 He left to another person and convey nothing until just before that.
 I sent a signal to the other people concerned from me for worry.
 Father was still trying the best for the tea ceremony without saying anything.
 There was it elsewhere in various ways, but declined a result, an officer of the next year.

 There will be it humbly without insisting on self.
 It was difficult, but was not able to do it.
 I reflect and lend it, every days as the artsit and craftman thinks that I was able to spend very substantial time.


■スロベニアからの友人/friend from Slovenia


 スロベニアからの友人 Hinteregger Marijan氏と医師 鈴鹿有子さん。於 大樋家茶室芳土庵
 friend from Slovenia Mr Hinteregger Marijan, and Doctor Suzuka Yuko at Ohi house Tea Room 「Hodoan」

 Hinteregger Marijan氏は、その歴史のままに生きてきた俳優だ。

 It is difficult for us to know former Yugoslavia, Kosovo conflict, the circumstances at the outskirts only in news.
 It was a socialist state, but independent Slovenia becomes the stable democracy now formerly.
 Mr. Marijan Hinteregger is the actor who it is the history, and lived.
 He was interested in Japanese culture such as tea ceremony or the crafts very much.I talked in English,
 but it seemed to be photographer of the battlefield Watanabe, and his speech and movement were impressive.
 He stays in Kanazawa for New Year days, he may visit with Doctor Yuko Suzuka who had
 introduce me and to see for New Year days of my home.


■美術家まつり/The party for the artists


 2010/12/25 北國新聞朝刊/Hokkoku News Paper

 2010/12/24 美術家まつりで壇上に立つ大樋長左衛門
 Ohi Chozaemon Ⅹ had speech for the artist gathering party.


 The artist festival that Ishikawa art and Culture Asociation sponsored at the end of the year was held.
 A general meeting was held just before that, and, in the schedule of the 52nd contemporary
 art exhibition held in April, 2011, summaries were discussed, and I was chosen as a judge.
 After the greetings that generalized one year of the Chairperson Hidekazu Tobita
  (President Hokkoku newspaper publisher), Yamano Yukiyoshi Mayor of Kanazawa newly was conscious of culture,
 and the participant was an aspect of the relief.
 And the peaceful dinner party was finished by Chozaemon Ohi spoke *"next year is rabbit year.
 Lets' jump with the bad times for next year" on the stage.


■橋本聖子参議院議員/member of the House of Councilor Hshioto Seiko


 橋本聖子参議院議員とともに抽選会に登壇。於 東京赤坂プリンスホテル
 I was invited for Councilor Hashimoto Seiko private party at Tokyo Akasaka Prince Hotel.

 縁とは実に不思議なものだ。元衆議院議員の故 高橋辰夫先生は、私を陶芸家としてデビューしてからずっと支えてくれた恩人だ。

 There was the dinner meeting of relatives of Seiko Hashimoto and I was invated for that event.
 None of Seiko Hashimoto is a skater of the Olympics Bronze Medalist to know.
 And she became a Councilor and worked for people during 15 years.
 A rim is a really mysterious thing.
 Mr. late Tatsuo Takahashi of former member of the House of Representatives is the benefactor who
 supported me ever since I made my debut as a ceramist.
 The Mutsumi Takahashi who is the wife is an older sister of Seiko Hashimoto.
 I had many chanse to visit in the Hashimoto ranch (Hokkaido * Shinhidaka-cho) which is the parents' house.
 There is the relationship of the Mr.and Mrs.Takahashi, and it lasts for long time, and I have friendship
 since it was shown up in person for the first time in the national constituency by a Councilor.


■ミュージカルFAME金沢公演/Musical FAME in Kanazawa


 2010/12/14 北國新聞朝刊 劇団スイセイを北國新聞、北陸放送に私が紹介させていただき実現した「FAME」金沢公演
 I introduced musical team SUISEI to Hokkoku News Paper and Hokuriku Broad Casting for
 musical [FAME] in Kanazawa

 had dinner together with actress Hoshino Mai and Kawashima Naomi.

 川島なお美さんがくれたサイン/sign by actress Kawashima Naomi.



 1年以上前、劇団に所属する演出家 西田直木氏が、同じ団員でもある星野真衣さんとともに私のもとに訪れてきた。


 演出はもちろん西田直木氏、 ゲスト出演した川島なお美さんも友人でもあり、

 FAME公式ホームページ http://www.suisei-m.com/review/10-fame/

 I was invited theatrical company Suisai * musical "FAME"Refurbishing was the Kanazawa Opera Theatre.
 The member belonging to the theatrical company makes the stage together and clears it off after the end.
 The algae limit of the ticket,
 the assistant of the guest performer, the public information cost role allotment together, also.
 The basic posture of the member does not change how to become famous either.
 I wanted to become an actor and a dancer on the stage in old days.
 That is why I respect such people very much.
 Mr. Nishida Naoki is director that belonged to the theatrical company visited me i Kanazawa with Hoshino
 Mai who was the same member and actress.
 It was such a consultation that "wanted to perform FAME publicly in Kanazawa",
 but I was touched by enthusiasm of Nishida who was an acquaintance,
 and Kanazawa performance realized it by having introduced Hokkoku newspaper, Hokuriku Broadcasting
 where it was with a performance sponsor.
 The tangle of students in art high school of New York where the contents bring up the best artist
 becomes the theme.
 The person who begins to climb the stairs to "feh mu - fame -" steadily.
 The person who believe only own talent, and loses sight of the way which therefore should be faster.
 And person ... it which I fall off own life from a fret to "success", and goes becomes the dance musical.
 Mr. Nishida Naoki is director and the guest-actress Kawashima Naomi is one of my best friend,
 and I wonder Hoshino Mai plays the part of Carmen and find a new state to new mention of direction.


■金沢美術工芸大学講義/Lecture at Kanazawa College of Arts and Crafts


 左が尊敬する板橋廣美教授 / left one of my respect ceramist Prof Itabashi Hiromi.



 I became Kanazawa College of Arts and Crafts part-time instructor and lectured to students whom
 Professor Hiromi Itabashi was in charge of.
 Because there was program deliberation Committee in Hokuriku Broadcasting from 11:00,
 it was the class from an early morning, but students attended it seriously.
 In addition, I could visit institution and talk with the students in the night,
 and a way of thinking and the action to a work were the places that myself learned from them.


■福岡三越個展②/Exhibition of Fukuoka Mitsukoshi


 何度も作品を並べ変えた会場/I always changed display

 Mr & Mrs.Nakamura Shinkyo.It is the first person of the Hakata style doll,
 and he is the active craftman in the Japan Traditional Crafts Society.
 He is the existence of the older brother who always encourages me.
 He will become living national treasure sometime soon.

 松本優三氏夫妻。クールで紳士だ。/Mr&Mrs Matsumoto Yuzo.

 現代工芸九州会の皆様、左から2人目が九州会会長 青木清高先生/
 Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Asociation of Kyusyu Branch members.
 from left to 2nd parson Mr Aoki Kiyotaka.

 with Urasenke tea Koga School student, back in the center Miss Koga Soko Tea Teacher.

 All staff for Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Art Devision. tallest parson is Mr Imani Hiroyuki






 My exhibition in Fukuoka Mitsukoshi began on 24th is over today.
 It is the last day, but I am writeing this blog by Shinkansen on the way of way home from Fukuoka
 to Kanazawa today.

 My exhibition was prosperous very much.
 Many guests and my work was almost sold out.Even if there are various factors as for what was able to
 leave all these turnout and result in society of this recession, the reason must be because there was the
 encouragement of the friend of the old friend in Fukuoka.

 I have important friends in Fukuoka.At first Mr. Nakamura Nakamura.
 It is the first person of the Hakata style doll, and he is the active craftman in the Japan Traditional
 crafts Society.He is the existence of the older brother who always encourages me.He will become living
 national treasure sometime soon.
 Mr Yasukawa Tetsushi.In lovely characters appearing for the animated cartoon,
 I always support it quietly.And Mr Matsumoto Yuzo. He is cool, and gentleman.
 I meet these three people Tokyo, Kanazawa, everywhere of the whole country,
 but they are always together.Because but, by this private exhibition, "the person who introduced it goes"
 not to mention night; how "today"? I "go again today!"
 They take care minutely.As far as I am glad.

 Miss Koga Soukou Urasenke tea teacher.It was a friend to love and respect who shared the activity in
 the Urasenke, but had I lasted on day after day and take care.
 Her consideration cannot tell all by the words of thanks.
 And Fukuoka Mitsukoshi which held a private exhibition.

 I describe all of fine art department thanks.It was a memorial exhibition in past activity.
 Mr Imani Hiroyuki was in particular kind parson.He will be a long thing keeping company at from now on.

 I remember a person for some reason.
 And this approximately one week was time such as the revolving lantern.I remember the time that
 I had left in Fukuoka quietly.I realize that I do a good encounter.
 I thank the gods and Buddha!


■福岡三越個展①/Exhibition of Fukuoka Mitsukoshi


 2010/11/24 福岡三越個展がはじまる

 会場風景/Exhibition Space

 Sonsu serius continues evolving, and this thing becomes the thing of the impression from
 Chinese Sichuan * Jiuzhai which I visited in September

 The characteristic of this private exhibition exhibits a classic fishing flower vase with the accessories of
 the jewelry sense, and it is put the compasses which show a direction while installing a mirror in the lower part.





 I dropped in at Kyoto on the way from Kanazawa and arrived at Fukuoka by Shinkansen yesterday.
 I went directly to Fukuoka Mitsukoshi at 21:00 and finished the preparations for private exhibition
 at 1:00 a.m. of the next day.
 And I had slow supper with lInani Hiroyuki and Mr. Kaneko Keisuke. They were the staff who became very kind,
 and what arrived at the hotel by an upsurge with the late-night beer passed 2:00 AM.
 And a private exhibition began today.
 I saw full of many visitors to with soot in the thing that was nice when I arrived at the exhibition place in the morning.
 And it was so busy and not take lunch until the night. forgen people, tea ceremony group concerned
 including Urasenke,
 The characteristic of this private exhibition exhibits a classic fishing flower vase with the accessories of
 the jewelry sense, and it is put the compasses which show a direction while installing a mirror in the lower part.
 In addition, I suggest an image of the Noah's ark which I loaded with the messages from the past to the
 future by putting a calendar of the next year aside.
 In addition, Sonsu serius continues evolving, and this thing becomes the thing of the impression from
 Chinese Sichuan * Jiuzhai which I visited in September.


■中国北京清華大学 副教授 章星氏来宅/Visited Tsinghua University Prof Zhang Xing


 2010/11/23 中国北京清華大学 副教授 章星氏が金沢美大 原智教授の案内で来宅。
 Visited Tsinghua University Prof Zhang Xing with Kanazawa College of Arts Prof Hara Satoshi



 Kanazawa College of Arts and China Beijing Tinghua University take an exchange studying abroad system.
 As for the chapter star vice-professor Zhang Xing in department Ceramics Arts & Design, and it will be
 stayed in Kanazawa under the system.
 Prof of Kanazawa College of Arts Hara Satoshi took him to Ohi Museum.
 I must go to Fukuoka for a private exhibition and it was a busy encounter,
 but promised a reencounter in Beijing.

 Professor Hara Satoshir, thank you


■北元喜雄氏告別式/funeral service Mr Kitamoto Nobuo


 2010/11/23 09:30 北元喜雄氏告別式 金沢東急エクセルホテル/
 funeral service Mr Kitamoto Nobuo at Kanazawa Tokyu Excel Hotel

 2010/11/23 09:30
 故 北元喜雄氏の告別式が金沢東急エクセルホテルで執り行われた。


 2010/11/23 09:30
 A funeral service of Mr. Kitamoto Nobuo was held in Kanazawa Tokyu Excel hotel.
 Kiatamoto family and my family has been tied up to the in each close bond.
 It was acted as a secretary of Ms. Kamejiro Hayashiya who was former minister of state, and it was founded
 Hokuriku University, and I crossed it for long time, and local, Mr. Kitamoto Nobuo who died has been contributed to.
 The wife snuggled up to all the time is a close friend with my mother.
 As for Kitamoto Yoshiro that is the eldest son, it is acted as Director of Hokuriku University now.
 In addition, Kitamoto Yoshihiro that is the second son is person that it seems to be my older brother from
 old days, and the Taiyogaoka houseing Town is estbished by him.
 At the funeral service, I could meet with their families.
 Of Mr. Kitamoto Nobuo pray its soul may rest in peace.


■建築家 岡田新一先生夫妻の金沢/Architect Mr & Mrs Okada Shinichi in Kanazawa


 2010/11/22 建築家 岡田新一先生ご夫妻、盛田真己子さん、盛田真乃さん親子、父 十代長左衛門 於 大樋美術館
 Architect Mr & Mrs Okada Shinichi and their daughter Mrs Morita Mayuko and her daughter
 Miss Morita Mano, my father 10th Ohi Chozaemon at Ohi Museum.

 1995 金沢市立泉野図書館 設計 岡田新一先生
 Kanazawa City Tamagawa Library. design by Okada Shinichi

 1995 金沢市立泉野図書館 陶壁 創遊空間 17m X 7mH
 Kanazawa City Tamagawa Library. Mural [Creative Space SOYU]


 今回、岡田先生ご夫妻は、長女 真己子さん、そして真己子さんの長女 真乃さん (岡田先生には孫)とともに金沢に滞在され、

 It would be around 15 years ago now or met Mr. Okada.Shinichi
 As for it, Mr. Okada would design the Kanazawa City Izumino library; I was pointed to make mural fot that library.
 In addition, as child of the eldest daughter Miss Mayuko, it is married Masao Morita
 (Sony Pictures Representative Director) who is the friend whom I respect,
 and the eldest son of their son and my son are friend. It is mysterious and thankful relationship.
 As for Mr. Okada, it was designed the Supreme Court at 39 years old, but it is concerned with many
 big projects afterward.
 He rsceived Japanese Art Academy Prize, and it is become the member of Japan Art Academy,
 and it is that it is really honored to have chance to make mural in the designed library when I was so young.
 By the way, my mural at that time is a maximum thing for me now.
 The Kanazawa City Izumino library is proud of national eminent ridership, and, in the outskirts, there are
 the Kanazawa Izumigaka high schools which are an entrance into a school of higher grade school,
 and it is now with a big culture zone.
 It was stayed in Kanazawa with eldest daughter Morita Mamiko of an eldest daughter Mano child and
 aher eldist child (to Mr. Okada a grandchild) , they visited at my home this time.


■第42回日展会場当番/My turn on the 42nd Nitten duty


 2010/11/20 TED会議、土佐 信道氏(明和電機)とともに/TED in Yokohama with Tosa Nobimichi (Meowa Electric Co)

 2010/11/21 国立新美術館での日展会場/42nd Nitten at Tokyo New National Museum


 2010/11/21 10:00-17:00


 I participated in the second TED meeting carried out in Yokohama red brick warehouse in the day befor night.
 The TED meeting where I participated in panelists last year.
 It would be performed this time in Yokohama and was going to participate with the eldest son at first
 from morning, but I heve to attend panel discussion with mayor of Kanazawa during the day time.
 so I participated only night.

 2010/11/21 10:00-17:00
 I was in the national New Museum as a turn all day long in Nitten Exhibition.
 It was full of many observers concerning Sunday.
 There was the person who looked in front of my work joyfully.
 It was my uncle.
 Encountered accidentally,; but "a lot of people watch your work".
 From when "is force everybody gen ttetayo" uncle told me that nice comment.

 My uncle supported me when I was in high school, university in Tokyo all the time,
 but I did not meet for a while, but not having changed.
 He lives in Nagareyama-shi, Chiba as a dentist now.


■第2回金沢まち文化フォーラム/The 2nd Kanazawa City & Culture Forum


 第2回金沢まち文化フォーラム、秋元雄史氏、山出保 金沢市長、林雄二郎氏、西沢立衛氏、宮田人司、私
 The 2nd kanazawa City & Culture Forum, from left Mr Akimoto Yuji, Mayor of kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu,
 Mr Nishizawa Ryuei, Mr Miyata Hitoshi

 参加者の皆様/from audience

 金沢まち文化フォーラムが主催する今回のパネルディスカションは、金沢市長 山出 保氏、金沢21世紀美術館を設計した西沢立衛氏、
 携帯の着信メロディーを考案した宮田人司氏、前金沢大学学長 林氏、そして私、コーディネーターに金沢21世紀美術館館長 秋元雄史氏


 This panel discussion was sponsored by Kanazawa City & Culture Forum.
 We invited Mayor of Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu, designed the Kanazawa 21st century Museum Mr Nishizawa Ryuei,
 first devised mobile ring tone music, Miyata Hitoshi. The former president of University of Kanazawa Hyashi,
 and myself, for the coordinator president of the Kanazawa 21st century museum Akimoto Yuji.
 Approximately 250 participants gathered for the Kanazawa Musashi IT plaza which became the meeting place
 lincluding of student.
 Kita Shigemazu who is one of the promoters in the beginning "wants to inspect it we learn and what Kanazawa can
 carry out from the opinion of each panelist".

 Each panelist performed presentation while they used a slide in examples concerned with Kanazawa first.
 And, the results that we repeated of the municipal organization of Mayor conventional Kanazawa,
 that it must develop while having relations from education, art, IT business which each panelist was
 concerned with complicatedly was discussed again while asking about enthusiasm in the future.
 In the participant, there is a question from the students who have will toward business opportunity,
 and Hokuriku Shinkansen opening to traffic in 4 years, and there may be the bright prospects
 in Kanazawa in the future.


■第10回IBM北陸信越会議/the10th IBM Hokuriku-Shinetsu Block Meeting


 分科会で座長をつとめる/I was with the chairperson in the subcommittee

 司会を務めた懇親会、左は間坂 泰明氏(日本アイ・ヒ゛・エム株式会社北信越地区部長)
 I was the chairmanship at the social gathering. left Mr Masaka Hiroaki(Japan IBM Hokuriku Block Director)

 11/20 翌日の分科会発表/subcommittee announcement on the next day



 We were gathered people of knowledge in the meeting that IBM Japanese branch divides the whole country
 into a block in this meeting becoming the tenth by this year, and "thinks about Japan".
 It was performed this time in Kanazawa and was to become the turning point, and, as for me,
 it was with the chairperson in the subcommittee, the chairmanship at the social gathering, subcommittee
 announcement on the next day, busy time that I am also panelist for Kanazawa city & culture forum.
 A Japanese pride, a human being power decline now.
 The sorrow was worried about, and we raised consciousness including a youth by education,
 and must go was talked about.


■石川竹田会/Ishikawa Takeda Society


 2010/11/17 18:30:-22:00 於 いしかわ総合スポーツセンター会議室
 The lecture of Takeda was held in the meeting room in the Ishikawa sports complex, and Senkaku Islands,
 topics such as the Imperial Family succession, a description of Japanese oldest history,
 the history of the Imperial Family, politics, which field were the things which contents were deep,
 and were various.

 And we held dinner party for Mr Takeda Tsuneyasu, he is a grandchild of old royalty prince Takeda Tsunenori.
 The 3rd son of Takeda Tsunenori, the eldest son of Chairperson at Japanese Olympic
 Committee Takeda Tsunekazu. right Mr Kinoshita kouji.


 祖父 恒徳王は竹田宮恒久王と明治天皇の第六皇女 常宮昌子内親王の間に生まれていることから、恒泰は明治天皇の玄孫にあたる。


 There is a study session called the Takeda society whom Takeda Tsunehisa presides over.
 It is performed regularly in Sapporo / Tokyo / Aichi / Kyoto / Osaka / Ehime / Fukuoka,
 and it is with the third in Kanazawa by this time.
 It has been introduced Mr Takeda before by the friend who is a Shinto shrine agency executive officer
 and Mr Kinoshita Kouji taken care of of the Taketa, Ishikawa meeting is the relationship of the old friend
 and will be concerned with this meeting again.
 Mr Takeda Tsuneyasu is a grandchild of old royalty prince Takeda Tsunenori.
 The 3rd son of Takeda Tsunenori, the eldest son of Chairperson at Japanese Olympic Committee
 Takeda Tsunekazu.
 Because grandfather Takeda Tsunenori is born among the sixth princess Joguu Masako princesses of
 king Takeda Tsunehisa Takedanomiya and the Emperor Meiji, a great-great-grandchild of the Emperor Meiji.
 In addition, He was the descendant of the male line of the Emperor to arrive at Hokucyu piriod of the third
 Emperor Suko from his following father.
 I have heard by the Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito of Mikasa before,
 if some one ask what family was the nearest t of the royal family ?
 one of the most cross family is the Takeda family.
 The lecture of Takeda was held in the meeting room in the Ishikawa sports complex, and Senkaku Islands,
 topics such as the Imperial Family succession, a description of Japanese oldest history,
 the history of the Imperial Family, politics, which field were the things which contents were deep,
 and were various.
 The social gathering that the young generations that fields were different gathered.
 The party was various questions and it was meaningful time.


■②日中韓文化フォーラム 於 奈良薬師寺/Japan.China.& Korea Crafts Exhibition at Nara


 11月16日 8:00 薬師寺
 「日中韓 美の競演展」が始まる。そして作家どうしで今後の交流のありかたを話し合う
 "A contest exhibition of the Japan and China Korea beauty" begins.And a meeting was held in artist of Korea
 in the day time and decided holding in Korea on the continuation of this event,

 茶会、左から韓国ソウル大学教授 徐道植氏、東京藝術大学学長 宮田亮平氏夫人、中国清華大学副教授 周剣石氏
 tea ceremony from left Mr Choi Insu (Soul National University Professor) Mrs Miyata Ryohei
 (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts) Mr Zhou Jian Shi( Tsinghua University assistant professor)

 夜、国際交流基金の主催した歓迎夕食会が開催された。左から奈良県副知事 窪田 修氏、須田 賢司氏(木工作家)右に薬師寺長老 安田暎胤氏
 The welcome dinner party which the Japan Foundation sponsored was held at night.
 With attendance such as left Deputy-Governor of Nara Kubota Osamu, Mr Suda Kenji
 (wood work craftman) right Yakushi-ji Temple Abbot Yasuda Eirin.

 I have the friend of the Urasenke.I returned to the hotel once and went out with Ueda Satoshi,
 Oyabu Mayumi until the middle of the night.A friend is a really good thing. Thank you.

 11/17 12:00
 It was the visiting Horyuji-emple in the day after morning. I promise them to meet agin and try to
 return to Kanazawa.

 11月16日 8:00 薬師寺
 「日中韓 美の競演展」が始まる。

 夜、国際交流基金の主催した歓迎夕食会が開催された。薬師寺長老 安田暎胤氏、煐薬師寺 管主 山田法胤氏、
 奈良県副知事 窪田 修氏などの出席のもとに、参加した日中韓の関係者や作家との交流が繰り広げられた。



 11/ 16 8:00 Yakushi-ji Temple
 "A contest exhibition of the Japan and China Korea beauty" begins.
 And a meeting was held in artist of Korea in the day time and decided holding in Korea on the continuation
 of this event, the next time.
 The tea ceremony was held, and in the afternoon
 there was "a symposium" led by Mr. Arisumi Mitamura who was TokyoUniversity of fine art professor ,
 and each other's culture resembling that they "seemed to resemble it and did not resemble"
 and the thing that we were discussed.
 The welcome dinner party which the Japan Foundation sponsored was held at night.
 With attendance such as Yakushi-ji Temple Abbot Yasuda Eirin ,Yakushi-ji Temple Cheief Abbot Yamada Kouin,
 Mr. Deputy-Governor of Nara Kubota Osamu, the interchange with the person concerned with artist of Japan,
 China and Korea which participated.
 The tea ceremony was held by Urasenke Tankoukai Nara Branch,
 and the most of the participant suffered tea and had an unforgettable experience for them.
 I have the friend of the Urasenke.
 I returned to the hotel once and went out with Ueda Satoshi, Oyabu Mayumi until the middle of the night.
 A friend is a really good thing. Thank you.

 Japan and China get caught in the world of the politics, and there is not go now.Two days when
 we talked through culture.

 We do not have the wall.
 There is soft power in culture.


■①日中韓文化フォーラム 於 奈良/Japan.China.& Korea Crafts Exhibition at Nara


 11/15 16:00
 奈良 東大寺側で/near Todaiji temple in Nara

 紅葉が美しい奈良公園/the beautiful fall colors viewing of Nara park

 日中韓文化フォーラムは「日中韓 美の競演展」「シンポジウム」という事業を、



 The Japan, China & Korea culture forum is intended by the interchange of aartist and the researcher of Tokyo
 University of Fine Art (Japan) Qinghua University (China) Seoul University (Korea) by the event called the
 "contest exhibition "symposium" of the Japan and China Korea beauty" in the daytime.
 The Yomiuri Shimbun cosponsored it, and, as for the furtherance, the Japan Foundation,
 the cooperation were held under Nara Prefecture, Nara city, Yakushi-ji Temple.
 It is the sixth year by these countries in the daytime.
 I would participate as a lecturer at Tokyo University of Fine Arts , and, on dinner that it was hosted by
 Governor of Nara,
 16th, Yakushi-ji Temple nioitega memory event was performed, and, on the night of 15th.

 I leave the hotel of Taipei at 6:00 a.m.
 It is arrived at Kansai Airport by only a 2-hour flight from Taipei Airport.
 Mayumi Oyabu who was the friend from the Urasenke youth group came to pick me up at an airport.
 And I go to Nara.

 I am invited to a Governor of Nara sponsorship welcome reception.
 In the place, the big painting which artist Ikuo Hirayama left is given glory to, and it is the institution where Nara
 called the queen Alice Silk Road made refurbishing.

 It was the grand reception that the Chinese consulate general,
 the people concerned such as the Korean consulate general,
 Director of Japan Foundation, the Yakushi-ji Temple abbot head, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
 the person concerned of the Agency for Cultural Affairs participated in.
 There are a lot of acquaintances in Chinese Qinghua University, the professorate of Korean Seoul University, too.
 For a reencounter after a long absence, the ceremony of the toast was repeated.


■国際文化創造会議③/International Conference on Culture & Development 3


 11/14 09:00-10:25 講演 於 台北縣庁舎/Lecture at Taipei County Goverment Hall

 講演を聞いてくれたみなさん/all people from my lecture

 富貴陶園でオーナーである林氏、帳清淵氏、Jonathan Nibbeとともに
 Owner Gallery Mr Lin, Chang Chin Yuen and Jonathan Nibbe

 with Peter Tullin(UK), Michela Bondardo(ITARY) and Ohi Toshio


 11/14 09:00
 嬉しいことに台南藝術大学教授であり盟友の陶芸家 帳清淵氏もわざわざ参加してくれた。
 また、昨年、東京で行われたTED SEEDS会議で私が発表した際に

 そして、米国から昨春まで私の工房で研修していたJonathan Nibbeと偶然このギャラリーで会ったのだが、世界は狭いことを実感した。


 翌日は朝6時にホテルを出て、16日から薬師寺で始まる「日中韓 美の競演展」参加の為に関西空港から奈良に直行しなければならない。

 International culture creation meeting was held for three days at Taipei County Hall.
 Culture was inspected from various angles by a researcher and an artist in Sweden, U.K., Netherlands,
 Germany, Thailand, China and Taiwan.

 11/14 09:00
 My lecture considerably began in lack of sleep by having changed the thing which I prepared beforehand
 greatly on the day before.
 The meaning called the craft arts announced that thing, Kanazawa who had various interpretation in various
 countries in the world were authorized as craft arts by the creation city network of the UNESCO.
 It was an art of Tainan college of arts professor, and ceramist Chan Chin Yuen of the sworn friend participated
 in a nice thing expressly.
 After the lecture, how do municipal organization and a civilian push forward in craft arts while cooperating?
 There were the questions, and everybody heard it eagerly very much.
 In addition, the Taiwanese TED representative who participated in a meeting place when I announced it in
 TED SEEDS meeting held in Tokyo
  (reference http://www.ohimuseum.com/blog/index2009.html#20091212)
 heard my lecture again last year. It seems to invite me to held TED meeting next year in taiwan.

 With Chan Chin Yuen, I visit "Fuguei Tauyuen" (Taipei, Ingge) that held a private exhibition before.
 I shared lunch with Mr. Lin of the owner and received the explanation of a new gallery completed in the next year.
 It is the project of the unbelievable big scale.I received a request to become the adviser gallery from him.
 And I met Jonathan Nibbe which received training in my studio from U.S.A. to last spring accidentally in this gallery,
 but realized that the world was small.

 A culture event was carried out variously in Taipei and participated in an event with the panelist of each country
 in the last of "the Taipei tea culture experience clause" to introduce Japan, Korea, China, each tea ceremony to.
 Each panelist became the supper which spared parting afterwards.
 I leave the hotel the next day at 6:00 a.m. and must go directly to Nara. for prepair " exhibition participation to
 begin on 16th in Yakushi-ji Temple of the Japan and China Korea beauty" from crafts.


■国際文化創造会議②/International Conference on Culture & Development 2


 11/11 10:00 台北縣坪林を視察/visiting Pinglin Taipei County

 坪林茶業美術館での地元関係者との会議/Meeting with people at Pinglin Tea Museum Taipei County.

 山出 保 金沢市長からの親書を台北縣長 周錫瑋氏に手渡す 
 Giving official letter from Mayor of Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu to Governor of Taipei County Goverment
 Hsi-Wei Chou.

 翌日の講演のために駆けつけた創造都市研究の第一人者 佐々木雅幸先生とともに
 with Professor Sasaki Masayuki visited also for lecture. he is leading for the creative city networking study.



 山出 保 金沢市長の親書を用意していたので、台北縣長は時間をかけて読んでくれた。

 Pinlin is the village which took it easy among tea plantations.
 We go around an area with a battery car, but I can understand that it is the trial that there is in the
 Chinese beauty spot, but there is not maintenance.
 A panel discussion was held with the village administration person concerned in the afternoon in tea
 business Museum.
 I heard the explanation of a designer requested for a plan of the citizen-based town planning,
 but a law of the resources preservation is strengthened, and the building of a new institution seems to be difficult.
 Even if it is told only a local negative opinion, We cannot do anything to us.

 We stop at the international culture originality industrial exhibition that began in Taiwan from today.
 This exhibition was able to know the present situation of the Taiwanese design with the thing which
 seemed to be a Tokyo designers week.

 A dinner party was held by Taipei County Goenor Hsi-Wei Chou for a panelist and the person concerned
 who gathered for the international culture creation meeting. That began at the next day by the various
 countries in the world.
 I prepared for an autograph letter from Mayor of Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu. He tried to read it.
 But the official document was Japanese diplomatically and it seemed to be custom to write,
 so he heard my English translation eagerly.


■国際文化創造会議①/International Conference on Culture & Development 1


 2010/11/10 17:00
 台湾台北縣淡水にある淡水紅毛城/Fort San Domingo in Tangshui Taipei County Taiwan.

 淡水でみた夕陽/Sunset in Tangshui

 関係者との夕食、於 台北藝術大学/dinner meeting at Taipei College of Arts.

 11/10 早朝にホテルを出た。



 11/10 early morning
 I left the hotel in Osaka.
 I worship Rokko where it became lightly light.
 The outside was chilly.
 And it is arrived at Taipei before noon by Kansai Airport.
 I changed into short sleeves by incredible weather.
 They pick me up, it was big old Benz.
 I was going to read a schedule handed by a driver, but it is the driving that is considerably
 fearful at a violent speed.
 It is Taiwan and it was a little time since I was here. When I look at the outside, but there is
 not any sense of incongruity.
 I often go to Beijing, or, in Taipei, there may be rather the atmosphere that seems to be a city
 of Japan recently.
 I feel a lot of acquaintances to be like the hometown, too.
 In familiar scenery, I arrived at the hotel.
 There was a request of the panelist dispatch to Kanazawa city through Japan and Taiwan Interchange
 Association (It perform function that it seems to be an embassy because Japan and Taiwan do not have
 diplomatic relations) from the Taiwan Taipei County government.
 And I was requested from Kanazawa city.
 With a participant from Sweden, U.K., Netherlands, Germany, Thailand, China,
 I am to talk about process and the craft arts that Kanazawa city was authorized by the UNESCO
 creative city network.
 On 10th and 11th, program to describe an opinion while inspecting Tangshui and Pinlin in Taipei County
 as a workshop on both days.
 I sit at Tangshuir by car to pick up in the afternoon.
 I visit the Tangshui Fort San Domingo of the old cultural assets appointment of the European sense.
 The red hair is the Netherlands by words used well at the tea ceremony.
 A long time ago it is the appearance that trade with the Netherlands is remembered.
 Inspect an art of Taipei Collge of Art at night; the dining together with the person concerned.
 Because I was exhausted, I was able to take the long sleep.




 11/08 太宰府天満宮を訪問。お会いした権禰宣 秘書室長 八坂宣匡 氏
 official visit in Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine Fukuoka and met with Mr Yasaka Nobumasa
 (assistant priest of shrine)

 太宰府天満宮公式参拝/official visit in Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine Fukuoka.

 I could meet old friend Kokonoe boss (former yokozuna Chiyonofuji) at Royal Box in Fukuoka.

 横綱 白鵬関。私が小さく見える。写真を撮ってくれたのは、紹介してくれた九重親方だ。
 I was introduced yokozuna Hakuho updating a successive victory record now by Kokonoe
 (former yokozuna Chiyonofuji).
 I looked so small. and Kokonoe took this photo for me.

 8日、09:45小松から飛行機で少し遅れたが福岡着。福岡三越美術部 今仁さんが出迎えてくれる。


 旧知の九重親方(元横綱 千代の富士)にも会えることができた。
 現在、連勝記録を更新中の横綱 白鵬関を弟のように面倒をみているようでご紹介も頂いた。


 11/08, I flew from Komatsu by air at 09:45,for Fukuoka.
 Mr Imani (Fukuoka Mitsukoshi fine art Dept) meets me in Fukuoka airport.
 The meeting for this coming exhibition preparations, the greetings to the person concerned are purposes.
 In addition, I had official visit in Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine, and a my exhibition might approach close and was
 able to become the solemn, new feeling.
 I had dinner with important friend of Fukuoka Shinkyo Nakamura, Tetsushi Yasukawa, Yuzo Matsumoto and
 Hirokazu Okano at night.
 It is every time, but human touch is really overflowing various places.
 The place that left for the Hakata *Nakasu after the dining together on together "royal box."It is a
 long-established night club most in Fukuoka,
 and it is a famous club of the financier purveyance for the government.
 If I came to Fukuoka, I was guided by all occasions, It was also able to meet Todo owner mom.

 The start of the Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu place might be near, and, on the other table,
 yokozuna society (a person who experienced yokozuna) was group and was able to meet the Kokonoe boss
 (former yokozuna Chiyonofuji) of the old friend.
 It seemed to watch trouble like a younger brother, and the introduction by Kokonoe had yokozuna
 Hakuho updating a successive victory record now.
 Anyway, somebody always comes to Fukuoka an entertainer and a baseball player, a sumo wrestler.
 It is an attractive town for everyone.

 11/09, I arrived at Shin-Osaka by Shinkansen, and I stay in the hotel at Osaka.
 I have to go to Taipei for five days from tomorrow early morning.


■第1回金沢まち文化フォーラム/The 1st Kanazawa City Culture Forum


 11/03 18:30
 Kanazawa City Culture Forum was established and I had a speech.

 講演された来賓である金沢市長 山出 保 氏/guest speaker Mayor of Kanazawa Mr yamade Tamotsu

 フォーラムの参加者/audience for this forum

 講演終了後には交流会を催した。デビィ スカルノ夫人も応援に駆けつけてくれた。
 前面には金沢市長 山出 保氏、来賓の金沢21世紀美術館館長 秋元雄史氏、寿観光社長 梅村光男氏。
 After the mayors' lecture, we held the exchange party.
 Mrs Dewi Sukarmo (wife of past Indonesia President Sukarmo)
 had speech for this forum and guest Mr Akimoto Yuji (president of Kanazawa 21st century museum)
 and Mr Umemura Mitsuo (president of Kotobukuki Kanko)

 発起人を代表して挨拶/Closing remark from represent proposer

 11/03 17:30 「金沢まち文化フォーラム」発会

 18:30 第1回金沢まち文化フォーラムを開催
 金沢市長 山出 保氏を講師に招き、料亭 金城楼におよそ200名が集まった。



 山出 保氏の1時間40分にわたる講演は、内容に皆が驚き、夢を共有したのではないだろうか。本当に有り難い時間でもあった。

 11/03 17:30; is Culture Day today.The inauguration of the "Kanazawa City Culture Forum" first meeting.
 This forum did the first meeting in young businessman who was my friend, industrialist, architect, artist, 17
 people of the various members including the representative of NPO.
 And I will act as a representative.
 When I "began to beat our brains together from now on and wanted to send a hometown effectively",
 I spoke an ambition.

 We invited Mayor of Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu to the lecturer in a culture forum, and approximately
 200 gathered in the restaurant Kinjoroin Kanazawa
 Based in 1995. Kanazawa world craft arts city declaration, Utatsuyama Crafts Studio, craftsman college,
 art village, Kanazawa the 21st century museum, were established and the Yamade municipal organization
 for 20 years was filled up.
 In addition, as for the leaders of the town gather with Mayor Yamade, and began with "Food Peer", local,
 going, many events have been performed for a meal, craft arts,
 a fashion in form called "the fashion Messe" today.
 On December 4, in Tohoku Shinkansen, next March, the whole line is inaugurated
 Kyushu Shinkansen Kagoshima route.
 And the Hokuriku Shinkansen is to be inaugurated four years later.
 It must define protecting it and a thing creating entrusted to a living person,
 the problem of us in the future how much benefit culture and the economy can prosper
 by.A star is born if I praise a right thing together, and a gourmet restaurant will exist.
 As for the future vision, economy must be shared with culture.Economy is necessary for culture,
 and the cultural side is indispensable for economy.
 And the sense of unity with a person and the person was important, and made the first meeting;
  "Kanazawa City Culture Forum" will carry the duty.
 As for the lecture for one hour 40 minutes of Yamade Tamotsu, everybody is surprised at contents,
 and I wonder if I did not share a dream.
 It was the time when it was really fortunate.


■ガス展(2)/Gas Exhibition


 パティシエ辻口 博啓氏の飴による盛りつけ、器は私が制作した五芒星皿
 Patissier Tujiguchi Hironobu demonstrated sweets by candy for my vessel.

 出演した和菓子職人 吉橋廣修氏、しもきひろこ氏、私、パティシエ辻口 博啓氏
 Japanese sweet craftsman Yoshihashi Osamu, the commentary Shimooki Hiroko and Patissier Tsujiguchi Hironobu

 Audience from our view,in front Miss Takada Maki was presided and she is also fashion model.

 今日は、パティシエ辻口 博啓氏、和菓子職人 吉橋廣修氏、解説にしもおきひろこ氏、司会 高田真紀さんのキャスティングだ。


 I came back to Kanazawa from Takaoka and did a guest-shot to a gas exhibition.
 Patissier Tsujiguchi Hironobu and Japanese sweet craftsman Yoshihashi Osamu, the commentary,
 Shimooki Hiroko, casting of chairmanship Maki Takada today.
 We recite the history in the meantime when both begin to make it and comment on their development,
 but, for me whom the backside is seen, their motion is beautiful.
 And it was to serve this Maine while Mr.Tsujiguchi used candy for my vessel, but he had the world where not
 only the quality of the patissier but also ceramic art, a dish, flower arrangement were applied to.
 In addition, I thought of a new container, and, to see the my served vessel, there was it carelessly.
 I realized even the last appearance, but it is not an expert to express taste.
 It is diffecult really particular about me.
 In the observed various places, it may have been an outsider, but, at the given opportunity,
 it was very valuable, and, as for me, such an expression was able to have the learning will that it was possible for.


■ガス展の会食/dinner for Gas Exhivition


 2010/10/30 20:00 金沢市企業局が主催してくれた会食。左からパティシエ辻口 博啓氏、女優 水野真紀さん、
 道場六三郎氏、つる幸主人 河田三郎氏、そして、私
 attended at the dining together at restaurant Tsurukou sponsored by Kanazawa-city company station.
 from left Patissier Tsujiguti Hironobu, actress Mizuno Maki, Chef michiba Rokusaburo, and myself


 10/30 19:00
 高岡から金沢に戻り、料亭 つる幸で金沢市企業局が主催する会食に出席した。

 10/30 19:00
 I came back to Kanazawa from Takaoka and attended at the dining together at restaurant Tsurukou
 sponsored by Kanazawa-city company station .
 The company station planned the gas exhibition, and people invited as a guest were invited.
 I was with Chef Michiba rokusaburo I knew him from high school days.
 For me who lived in Tokyo alone, his dish which was a friend of father was taste of the hometowns.
 In the days of the university students, He took me to Ginza to drink.
 He was about time not yet appear to the television, but he was called "rokuchan" from anyone and remember
 that it was a popular person.
 In addition, patissierI Tsujiguti attended dinner together. I will be a guest-shot in his workshop on the next day
 And I left dining together halfway, and I went to Takaoka again.


 The 43rd Urasenke Youth Hokuriku Sinetsu Block


 15:00 野口耕一氏(裏千家淡交会総本部組織部次長)米澤昭博氏(裏千家青年部全国委員会副委員長)
 行松宏展氏(第9代北陸信越ブロック長)などとともに支部長 荒井公夫氏宅にての濃茶席に出席。
 I attend at tea ceremony in the president of a branch office Kimio Arai's house with Koichi Noguchi (Kyoto urasenke)
 Akihiro Yonezawa (urasenke youth group whole country committee vice chairman)
 Yukimatsu Nobuhiro (the ninth Hokuriku Shinetsu block president).

 17:30 衆議院議院 橘慶一郎氏、高岡市長 高橋正樹氏などの来賓を迎えた開会式に出席。
 I attend at the opening ceremony where I invited guests such as House of Representatives
 Diet Keiichiro Tachibana, Mayor Takaoka Masaki Takahashi.

 10/31 10:00 伊東順二氏(富山大学教授)とともに(茶美会)対談
 I talk with with Junji Ito (a professor at Toyama University) about SABIE

 10/30 09:15
 支部長 荒井公夫氏宅にての濃茶席に出席し、ウィン•ウィン高岡での開会式に出席。
 10/31 伊東順二氏と対談。

 そのような彼らの配慮によって、伊東順二氏と対談を行った。我々二人に共通する、故 伊住政和氏との出会い。

 10/30 09:15
 It was Tokyo stay the day before for Nitten.
 I return to Kanazawa by airplanes from Haneda to Komatsu.
 I go to Takaoka for the 43rd urasenke Seinenbu Hokuriku Shinetsu Block member meeting in the afternoon.
 I attend at tea ceremony in the president of urasenke Takaoka Kimio Arai's house and attend at an opening
 ceremony in Win * Win Takaoka.
 And I go back to Kanazawa for dining together.
 And then I returned again, the block member meeting second party to Takaoka from Kanazawa.And it was
 Takaoka stay.
 10/31 Junji Ito and a talk.
 Because Kanazawa and Takaoka were not far distally, it was a considerably complicated schedule,
 but was able to move.
 The Hokuriku Shinetsu block that Mr Yukimatsu Hironobu acts as block lpresident.
 His greetings are obedient, I had a good feeling.
 And members are supporting with respecting him.A nice feeling comes.
 The reason is because I was active as block president until two years ago.
 However, I can think as in the past kind of long time ago.
 With the joy that was able to meet a friend, I was impressed by passage of time after a long absence.
 By their such consideration, I talked with Junji Ito.
 An encounter with Mr. late Masakazu Izumi who is common to of us.
 The modern tea ceremony by an architect, a designer, craft artist who began 20 years called "SABIE"
 ago is still a fresh thing.
 The conversation was to bear him.
 Mr. Masakazu Izumi from heaven will be what we surely heard.


■第42回日展開幕/The 42nd Openning Nitten


 2010/10/28 22:00 日展工芸懇親会、現代工芸石川会二次会。左側中央は、文部科学大臣賞受賞の百貫俊夫先生
 after the second party of Nitten, Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Asociation Ishikawa menber gathered.
 left side center Mr Hyakan Toshio was awarded by
 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize.

 2010/10/29 10:45 第42回日展開幕 於 東京新国立美術館。左から大樋長左衛門、近藤誠一文化庁長官、奥田小由女先生
 Opening Nitten, from left Ohi Chozaemon(Ⅹ) Mr Kondo Seiichi(President of Agency for Cultural Affairs) and
 Mrs Okuda Sayume (Japan Art Academy member) at Tokyo new National Gallery

 11:00 江田五月氏(参議院議長)/Mr Eda Satsuki (President of the House of Councilors)

 私の今回の作品、夢幻器 /My work ILLUSORY VESSEL

 18:00 日展会員懇親会 於 東京ニューオータニホテル/Nitten Members Party at Tokyo New Otani Hotel


 10/29 10:00 於 東京新国立美術館
 今回は夢幻器•ILLUSORY VESSELを出品した。ぜひご覧頂きたい。

 13:00 現代工芸美術家協会理事会と総会が開かれる。

 18:00 日展会員懇親会 於 ニューオタニホテル 鶴の間

 I fly to Tokyo by air the day before from Komatsu to Haneda right after the event of the gas exhibition event
 was finished.
 I was not in time for Nitten icraft arts social gathering in Tokyo Kaikan, but participated in the second party
 of the Nitten Ishikawa person concerned.
 Because was awarded Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize this time
 Mr hyakkan Toshio (dyeing) resident in Kanazawa; that is why we gathered and drunk.

 10/29 10:00 Tokyo new National Gallery
 The 42nd Nitten was brilliant, with attennding by Seiichi Kondo Agency for Cultural Affairs, President of the
 House of Councilors eda Satsuki.
 I was awarded member of Nitten Prize, but one year would already pass with an early thing last year.
 I exhibited Mugenki *ILLUSORY VESSEL this time.Please to see my work.

 The Japan Contemporary Craft & Art Association board of directors and general meeting are held.
 The 50th memory exhibition of the next year would be held in Kanazawa, and I did the explanation such as lectures
 to accompany it.

 I am a member of Nitten from last year, and this may attend at between member of Nitten social gathering
 at Tokyo new Otani Hotel.
 A Japanese painting, Oil painting, a sculpture, Crafts art, calligraphy,the social gathering between the
 members beyond the fence are perfect interchange.


■ガス展/Gas Exhibition


 ガス展、 菓子職人/吉橋廣修氏、つる幸料理長/河田康雄氏、広田優香子さん、そして私。
 於 金沢香林坊大和8階ホール
 Gas Exhibition with Mr Yoshihashi and Miss Hirota Yukako,Mr Kawata Yasuo,
 and Toshio at Kanazawa Kohrinbo Daiwa 8th Floor Event Hall.


 14:30 より16:00まで広田優香子さん(テレビ・ラジオパーソナリティ)を司会、私がゲスト・パーソナリティとして、



 The gas exhibition which the Kanazawa-city company station sponsored began in
 Kanazawa Korinbou Daiwa the eighth floor hall.
 I was cramped as guest personality with Hirota Yukao (television radio personality) until 16:00 from 14:30,
 and the event that the real condition made a Tsuruko chef de cuisine / Kawata Yasuo a demonstration of
 sweets craftsman / Yoshihashi was performed.
 Kawata of "the motion", the made breast cover charge law of nature and handmade Japanese sweet of
 Yoshihashi of "the stillness" were exquisiteness, but realized that it was difficult at all to express taste by
 words in the atmosphere that seemed to be exhibition recording with the television to many participants.
 However, the people who saw a shown technique seemed to be very satisfied.
 I was invited to Toyotashi and shared a lecture with Kawata, but it was with a greater chef then last year.


■京都ブランドフォーラムin 金沢/Kyoto Brand Forum in Kanazawa


 2010/10/28 北國新聞(朝刊)/Hokkoku News Paper

 左から齋藤茂氏(株式会社トーセ代表取締役社長 C.E.O.)森田りえ子さん(日本画家)清水六兵衛氏(陶芸家•京都造形大学教授)私、
 from left Mr Saito Shigeru (tose President-Director C.E.O. Co., Ltd.) Miss Rieko Morita (a Japanese painter)
 Mr. Rokubee Shimizu (ceramist * Kyoto molding university professor) Myself,
 Miss Kazumi Akimoto (a free-lance announcer)

 All audience from the forum, many people gathered for me because Kanazawa is my important city.

 齋藤茂氏(株式会社トーセ代表取締役社長 C.E.O.)が委員長を務め、全国各地で開催し、さまざまな分野で活躍する人々から、

 Mr. Saito Shigeru (tose President-Director C.E.O. Co., Ltd.) acted as a chairperson and, titled "the creation of a
 new city brand",
 held this forum that the traditional Kyoto chamber of commerce sponsored in each place of the whole country,
 and it has been discussed the charm of Kyoto and each city by the people who played an active part in various fields.
 Mr. Rokubee Shimizu (ceramist * Kyoto molding university professor) Miss Rieko Morita (a Japanese painter)
 and me and a coordinator by Miss Kazumi Akimoto (a free-lance announcer) to in keyword by "tradition and
 innovation" in Kanazawa and Kyoto this time.
 Because all the members were the relationship of the old friend, It became the free lance talking that was not
 necessary including the manual.
 There cannot be conclusions on this difficult theme,; but as there "were an artist, a designer,
 a man of well-cultivated tastes in old days, talked about it being necessary to influence it closely".


■サウジアラビアからのお客様//Guest from Saudi Arabia


 大樋美術館での説明に聞き入るサウジアラビアの人々/ to hear the explanation about OHi history from Saudi Arabia

 母の点前で茶道を体験/experience for tea ceremony by my mothers making tea.


 会席と芸鼓さん達のパーフォマンスを楽しむ/Enjoying dinner and Geiko Performing.

 柳瀬和彦氏は私の友人で、サウジアラビア石油会社 東京支社に勤務されている。





 Kazuhiko Yanase is my friend, and it is worked in the Saudi Arabian oil company Tokyo branch office.
 He asked me in one day "directors of the company visited Japan from the own country,
 and would observe the Kashiwazaki Nuclear Power Plant, and saw the sights one day ago,
 was better off".
 Where will be good?
 I pushed forward sightseeing to Kanazawa.
 He went to the main office in Saudi Arabia, and he sounded out the schedule of the stay in Japan and
 became the official decision.
 The people of the Tokyo branch office went to me many times to become the special trip while introducing a hotel,
 a restaurant, a restaurant, each institution and made arrangements.
 The determined how to treat was a thing as imperial family.
 Because the reason is why the main office is connected directly with an own country and the Royal Family.
 And I handle sightseeing variously, and it is come on that day by my home.
 It is an unfortunate rain-threatening thing, but it seems to be beautiful scenery when I take it to them whom it
 does not rain.
 I explained history in Ohi Museum and experienced tea ceremony by my mother's making tea in a
 tea-ceremony room.
 Include of my father who illustrated by deep people of the interest in culture and looked very glad.
 All the members were quite and became the cheers for dining together, a performance of an art
 hand drum afterwards at night in Kinjoro.
 It was mysterious why they did not drink liquor had such pleasure.
 Anyway, they knew Japan by having visited Kanazawa.
 Both Yanase and I are pleased to watch their face which seems to be satisfactory heartily.
 Finally one frank advice.
 It is the restaurant of the topic, but does not understand that impudent manner of the general manager.
 To people of the branch office which was time of the early summer, but came for a feasibility study expressly
 from Tokyo it "is two months ago, and we will take the reservation to do the reservation to none of equally".
 He had been amazed at the how to speak that seems to have despised them who did not talk about a lot of ,,,,,,"
 to anyone equally.
 By the way, they seem to have really talked on the telephone two months ago.
 A reservation seems to have been made for a wedding ceremony and the distinction.
 There is such a place in Kanazawa, too.
 We do not have a rose to make it the good town if we do not improve service either.


■裏千家青年部浜松青年部来宅/Urasenke Hamatsu Seinenbu visited Ohi Museum.


 21 member of Urasenke Hamamatsu youth group visited Ohi Museum.


 夏に荒垣 昌代さんから手紙が届いた。 
 「裏千家淡交会浜松支部 曳馬野青年部 部長 荒垣と申します。


 I held two times of private exhibitions in Hamamatsu in the past, but it was a great success with
 the prosperity both.
 In addition, I went by the work of Urasenke many times and receive an utmost welcome each time.
 "The Kanazawa gyoza" which I produced was recognized and was in Hamamatsu the day before yesterday.
 There is the important friend in Hamamatsu. I have special consciousness toward me.
 A letter arrived from Aragaki Masayo in summer.
 I "claim to be a Director at Urasenke Hamatsu youth group.
 I ask a training trip this autumn to the Kanazawa area in 2 youth groups (Hikuma * Totomi)
 of the Hamamatsu Branch.
 We visited Ohi museum like approximately ten years ago.
 The voice that I wanted to ask all members about by all means broke out when I told the occasion to a member.
 If there is the direct opportunity when we do not have such a studio in Hamamatsu where crafts arts is not
 prosperous even at time having a short it because it is a valuable experience to meet towards, it is with the
 encouragement of the member.

 And I could meet 21 all of youth groups.
 There was the acquaintance from old days, too and remembered the youth group era after a long absence.


■どうしよう!たくさんの方々が金沢へ/What can I do ? Many my friens in Kanazawa!


 10:00 水戸市常陽銀行が主催するツアーの人々の訪問
 10:00 The people of the tour that Mito-shi Joyo Bank sponsors visited

11:00 香港から女医であるAbbie Cheng夫妻と友人が訪問
11:00 Mr and Mrs Abbie Cheng and friends were visited from Hong Kong

 15時 荘司さんが到着/Mrs Syozi Zunko and daughters arrived to my house

 22:30 金沢まで戻り、辰巳琢郎氏と合流。朝方まで東茶屋街、主計町で飲み歩いた
 22:30 I join return with Tatsumi Takuro to Kanazawa.We drunk and eat until early in the morning.It was long day!!!



 09:15 荘司様。大切な大分からのお客様が小松に到着。

 10:00 水戸市常陽銀行が主催するツアーの人々が訪問される。

 11:00 香港から女医であるAbbie Cheng夫妻が訪ねて来られた。

 15時 辰巳琢郎氏が1時間の予定で金沢全日空ホテルで行われている全国醤油サミットで講演。

 15時 荘司さんが到着。母親、娘二人。とても嬉しそう。一緒に和倉温泉へ向かう。

 22:30 金沢まで戻り、辰巳琢郎氏と合流。朝方まで東茶屋街、主計町で飲み歩いた。


 In early morning of 23rd I came back to Kanazawa from Kyoto. I visited Tokyo and Hamamatsu also,

 October 23.
 I have not experienced it so far, and various people are to visit me.
 I try to watch a calendar of October, 2010.
 There is five times of Sunday on Saturday on Friday.
 It was 823 years before happened, people at that time were trying to tell us where this month was
 special based on China feng shui.
 It seems to be the lucky month.

 09:15 Mrs Shoji is important parson from Oita arrives at Komatsu.
 For 23rd and 24th, they are in Kanazawa and stay in Kagaya at night.
 Because it was the person who had you watch me all the time,
 I wanted originally to do hospitality all the time for two days.
 I decide to have them make a round trip of it first of all to Natadera and Hakusan Shrine and the yuzen studio of
 the acquaintance until an evening.

 10:00 The people of the tour that Mito-shi Joyo Bank sponsors visited.
 I am invited to Joyo Bank several years ago and went for a lecture, but it seems to be a visit of Kanazawa that
 the various places that had them observe it on this occasion play a key role, and was planned.

 11:00 Mr and Mrs Abbie Cheng and friends were visited from Hong Kong .
 Mr. Nakata Hidetoshi introduce her before, but thereafter I was on familiar terms, and it was with the first
 Kanazawa visit.

 15:00 Actor Tatsumi Takuro is a lecture by whole country soy sauce summit performed in Kanazawa ANA
 Hotel by a plan of one hour at .
 I promised to go, but unfortunately was not able to go.
 He thought I was attending,so he talked about me many times.

 15:00 Mrs Shoji arrived at my house . Mother, and daughters are together. I lthought they are so happy.
 I go to the Kagaya together.
 I styied room for a little while and had dinner with them..
 And I promise to meet the next day in my home.

 22:30 I join return with Tatsumi Takuro to Kanazawa.
 We drunk and eat until early in the morning.

 It was long day!!!


■全国餃子サミット/All Japan Gyoza Summit


 全国餃子サミット、於 オークラアクトシティホテル浜松/
 All Japan Gyoza Summit at Hamamatsu Okura Actcity Hotel.

 鈴木康友 浜松市長とともに/
 with Mayor of hamamatsu Mr Suzuki yasutomo

 with Mr Nakamura Tomoya(Hamamatsu Gyoza) Mr SaitoKimiyasu(host for summit) and Mr Umemura Mitsuo

 2010/11/7 北國新聞(朝刊)/Hokkoku News Paper







 Local Area interest Class B gourmet comes into the forcus now.
 A national gyoza summit was held in Hotel Okura in Hamamatsu-city (Shizuoka Pref)
 I produced setup, "Kanazawa gyoza" in "Institute for Kanazawa food culture" on May 5, 2010 in this year.
 The gyoza was Japanese-style taste, and the suggestion that I ate with lowering soy sauce was invited for
 this summit in the evaluation from an organiser as a Kanazawa-style.
 By this event, it was introduced place seven gourmet places, but, any place other than Kanazawa,
 the gyoza (Susono-shi, Shizuoka) Yawata gyoza (Kitakyuushuu-shi, Fukuoka)
 Fukushima gyoza (Fukushima, Fukushima-shi) miyashiro gyoza (Saitama, Minamisaitama-gun, Miyadaimachi)
 Tsu gyoza (Tsu-shi, Mie) and Hamamatsu gyoza (Shizuoka) which were a sponsor participated.
 There was it concerning a summit and pretended to be it as if each area represented a country in
 the G7 which decided the world situation and the form that assumed G20 a hint.
 I participated with Kotobuki Company president /Umemura Mitsuo who was the friend who
 I became "representative of Kanazawa country", and really administered "Kanazawa gyoza".
 It becomes really pleasant when we do a joke seriously.
 As for the summit that called itself G7 (G of the gyoza), it was performed taking a ceremonial photograph
 with the representative of each country,
 meeting, joint press conference, joint communique announcement nadogaga.
 There is the attendance of the person concerned with administration such as Mayor Hamamatsu,
 Naohisa Matsuda Mayor of Tsu-shi Yasutomo Suzuki, and many reporters rush; became large-scale.
 When this event was finished, an email arrived from friends who lived in various places of the whole country.
 I undestood quickly that event was news, and seem to have been reported;
 "saw I looked big to you on the dais".

 As for this event, what was broadcasted in a national net greatly for a few days became clear.
 There were the lectures such as Hidehiko Watanabe who became an instigator of "the B1 Grand Prix",
 Miss. Mana Kumagai, and it was a substantial thing.
 In addition, I wrestle to found the area seriously while and seven places of people who participated in
 a summit meeting. They are のtselling a gyoza, they belong to goverment or related administration are
 being concerned.
 I intend to spread "Kanazawa gyoza" while I learn the thing.
 But I intend to associate with food culture with the stance called the producer to the last.


■黛まどかさんの桃夜句会/Momoyo Haiku School by Mayuzumi Madoka


 句会、銀座 富貴洞(ふうきどう)、辰巳琢郎、黛まどかさん、増田明美さん、わたせせいぞうさん、
 A lot of Haiku members such as writer/Fujiwara Masahiko, Kabuki actor/Bando Mitsugoro, Designer/
 Kojitani Hiroshi.Comic artist/Watase Seizo, actor/Tatsumi Takuro , former Malang loss runner/
 Masuda Akemi, Mr. Asahi National Broadcasting producer/Matsui Eiko in this Haiku meeting.







 As for me, I am member of haiku gathering 「MOMOYOKUKAI」was held in Tokyo.
 Haiku poet / Mayuzumi Madokato preside over, it was stayed in Paris of France as a culture mission,
 and then haiku gathering was planed now becauseshe was just gone back at one time.
 A lot of people who is the versatile members such as writer / Fujiwara Masahiko, Kabuki actor /
 Bando Mitsugoro, Comic artist / Watase Seizo, actor / Tatsumi Takuro , former Malang loss runner /
 Masuda Akemi, Mr. Asahi National Broadcasting producer / Matsui Eiko in this meeting, but are interested in
 compendium of the haiku is very high-level.
 I was not sure, but I worked from an early morning and jumped onto limited express "hakutaka"
 somehow at 15:12 whether I could go for a haiku gathering.
 I normaly go toTokyo by air all the time if I did not have to create a haiku and disguise myself.
 It was filled up for approximately four hours by the train and was able to be in time for a haiku gathering
 to be held in Ginza tightly.
 It is a rule to make the phrase that is phrase and compendium of the love in total four, but the following
 is the work which I was selected for.
 It is the thing from an impression, but understands that I am too like a straight pitch when I visited China, but,
 For autumn wind
 The fragrance of the native land
 Wher is my Love
 God stay in high
 White mountains
 The leaf which turns red and yellow

 According to a person reading blog, Do I have not yet come?


■裏千家淡交会石川支部物故者法要茶会/Urasenke Ishikawa eceased Tea Ceremony


 裏千家石川支部物故者法要 於 月心寺/
 Urasenke ishikawa eceased Buddhist memorial service at Gessinji-temple Kanazawa


 A deceased Buddhist memorial service and a tea ceremony of Urasenke Ishikawa
 Chapter performed every year in Gessinji temple. 14 people die in this year.
 At 10:00AM, a Buddhist memorial service begins.
 Father 10th Chozaemon must be absent by an official visit attended at Ise-jingu Grand Shrine.,
 and he is the vice-president of Urasenke Ishikawa Chapter,so Itende there instead of him.
 The quietness recalled me to a friend.
 Miss Morikuni Masami who died in this April.
 It is the person who supported my activity in spite of being a shade for a long time.
 A Buddhist memorial service was over, and a tea ceremony began.
 I was with her mother Mrs Morikuni Yoneko (urasenke tea teacher) at this tea gathering.
 I made her memory a topic to everybody, but seemed to be pleased.
 On a return "Masami really respected you".
 Her mothr told me that thank you and have shed tears in two of us unintentionally.
 Morikuni Masami!
 Joining hands


■福岡 古賀千佳嗣、権藤まきさんの披露宴/wedding Koga Chikashi & Gondo Miki in Fukuoka


 披露宴前の古賀家、権藤家の皆様/with Koga family and Gondo family for the wedding

 古賀公子さん(茶名 宗公)さんは裏千家青年部時代からの友人だ。
 数年前には、ご長女 夕里さんの披露宴にも出席させていただいた。
 今回はご長男 千佳嗣さんの披露宴にご招待いただいた。場所は福岡•博多ニューオータニホテル。

 Mrs Koga masako ( tea name sokou) is a friend from the Urasenke tea Foundation.
 Several years ago, I attended at a banquet o eldest daughter wedding.
 I was invited weddingt of eldest son Chikashi ati this time.
 The place is Fukuoka * Hakata Hotel New Otani hotel.
 Information that a Fukuoka service is the suspension of service in Komatsu Airport or is very late.
 However, I have been late than tardy.
 Furukawa Seiichi of the friend came to pick me up in Fukuokakuko airport.
 I was close and arrived at the wedding place.
 I was with Mr Matsumoto Shozo(Hakataza adviser, president of Urasenke Fukuoka Chapter),
 also it was a great banquet.
 When the new wife read a letter to father, it was time and came back to Fukuoka Airport
 and just together with the various places of the  foreign countries VIP visitor of the fashion
 Messe in a restaurant in Kanazawa at night.
 It was busy for getting and back in a day to Fukuoka.


■金沢おしゃれメッセ/Kanazawagonomi Oshale Messe


 金沢おしゃれメッセ•レセプションにて、女優 •檀ふみさん。新作の加賀友禅が鮮やかだ。/
 Kanazawagonomi Oshale Messe reception. with actress Dan Fumi (wearing new design of Kaga Yuzen)


 13:30-16:45 世界創造都市フォーラム /Kanazawa creative city forum

 Key speekerに ジネット ガドリュー氏(モントリオール国際インテリアデザインショー,SIDIMS,代表)。
 パン・ジン (上海創造産業センター副所長)。チェ・キョンラン 2010ソウルデザインフェアディレクター。
 伊東 史子(2008.2009金沢おしゃれメッセディレクター)。秋元雄史(金沢21世紀美術館館長)

 夜はレセプションが行われた。女優 檀ふみさんが、新デザインの加賀友禅を着て出席された。
 金沢市長 山出 保氏の挨拶のなかで、現代美術館を始めとした周辺施設を充実させて、

 I came back by a sleeping carriage early in the morning to Kanazawa.
 From today, fashion Messe is performed.
 From 13:30 to 16:45 world creation city forum
 In Key speeker dinet Ginette Gadoury(Montreal international interior design show ,SIDIMS, representative).
 Pan Jin (Shanghai creation industry center vice-director).
 Kyung ran Choi (2010 Seoul design fair directors).
 Ito Fumiko (2008.2009 Kanazawa fashion Messe directors).
 These Panel Talk was with Mr Akimoto Yuji (Kanazawa the 21st century art museum director) who was coorinator.
 The foundation of the craft art creation city Institute.
 That I tried improvement of the industrial potential by city engineering, cooking, tourism, psychology,
 the talks by the expert was turned over
 A reception was held at night.
 Actress Fumi Dan wore the Kaga yuzen of the new design, and it was attended.
 In greetings gaarigaattaga of Mayor Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu, municipal organization of the long time,
 it was got Museum of Contemporary Art, a house in the town ready,
 and t was with the splendid town which did not watch a kind.
 The Shinkansen is inaugurated four years later, too.
 The consciousness of the civic citizen-based town planning is very high.


■辰巳琢郎氏の山形ワイン取材に同行/with Actor Tatsumi Takuro in Yamagata pref.


 2010/10/13 山形タケダワイナリーにて/at Takeda winery in yamagata Pref.

 試飲 武田祐子さん(フジテレビ アナウウンサー)辰巳琢郎氏とともに/
 wine tasting with Miss Takeda Yuko( announcer at Fuji TV) and Actor Tatsumi Takuro.

 10/14 夜、服部幸應氏も参加して,世界から注目されているイタリアンレストラン「アル・ケッチアーノ」
 At night, We enjoyed a dish of the chef Okuda Masayuki of Italian restaurant "Al che-cciano" .
 Also Mr Hattori Yukio participated, and attracted attention from the world in Yamagata.

 2010/10/15 00:25 鶴岡駅で金沢へ帰る電車を待つ/
 waiting for the mid night train at Tsuruoka Station (Yamagata Prefecture)


 10/12 北陸放送番組審議委員会を途中退席にして、12:07 金沢駅から東北・山形・米沢にむかう。

 10/14 天童ワイン、朝日町ワイン城、月山トラヤワイナリー、月山ワイン山ぶどう研究所などを訪れた。


 尚、この旅は11/13・11/20 22:00 からフジテレビBSで放映されることになっている。

 There was a telephone from Actor Tatsumi Takuro approximately one week ago.
 Would you like to visit toTohoku ? It will be by the coverage of the wine TV program,
 It is fun and possible to learn. does not come?"
 I "arrange all it if you come to Yonezawa first of all on the night of 12th".
 And I heard only a meeting place and decided to go.

 10/12 Hokuriku Broadcasting program deliberation Committee as retiring on the way,
 I leave for Yonezawa from Kanazawa Station at 12:07.
 I transferredin Hokuriku Main Line and Hokuhoku line in Echigoyuzawa and changed the Joetsu Shinkansen
 arrived at Omiya and with transfer, the Tohoku Shinkansen again. And finally arrived at Yonezawa.
 The outside was already dark, and it was more than six hours 20 minutes.
 Mini Shinkansen which I got the first time used. Regural rail line was used at the small station same as Shinkansen,
 and there was sense of incongruity.
 I arrived at the famous shabu-shabu restaurant called "Yoshitei" by taxi.
 BS Fuji will make "the wine TV program of Takumi Takuro".Takeda Yuko(an announcer at Fuji TV) will be
 another caster for this program. And then stuff, friens are dining together began.
 Coverage to visit 11 places in Yamagata began at the next day, but we drunk 24 bottle of
 wine by only less than ten people.

 In 10/13 morning, I leave the hotel by bus. Tour participant joined from Tokyo.
 The accidental acquaintance was surprised, and most people are various places equal to sommelier and it.
 Takahata winery, Sakai winery, Oura wine, Sudo wine, Takeda winery.
 We visited 10/14 Tendo wine, Asahi-cho wine castle, Gassan Toraya winery,
 the Gassan wine mountain grape research institute.
 At night, We enjoyed a dish of the chef Okuda Masayuki of Italian restaurant
 "Al che-cciano" also Mr Hattori Yukio participated, and attracted attention from the world in Yamagata.
 As this impression, there is the winery where they remodeled the old national road into
 in Yamagata and encourages wine as industry as solution to depopulation.
 A farming family bringing up a grape, a wine producer and local people perform an action to
 become the consumers again.
 In addition, the cook who does not train itself at all in Italy is the restaurant with not impossible
 location requirements, but every day is full of a reservation from the whole country.
 The cooking ingredient which was from Yamagata at most and the performance with the
 Yamagata wine were wonderful deliciously.
 In addition, this trip is to be televised in Fuji TV BS from 11/13 / 11/20 22:00.


■塚本家の披露宴/Weeding for Tsukamoto Family


 前原誠司外務大臣、福山哲郎副官房長官、九条道弘 平安神宮宮司、安倍晋三 元内閣総理大臣、中曽根弘文参議院議員、
 宮内義彦オリックス会長、千玄室大宗匠、稲森和夫 京セラ名誉会長などの出席者
 Attendants such as Foreign Minister Maehara Seiji, Vice Chief Cabinet Secretary Tetsuro Fukuyama,
 Michihiro Kujo Heian-jingu Shrine chief priest, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Councilor Hirofumi Nakasone,
 Chairperson at Yoshihiko Miyauchi Orix, Urasenke Great Grand tea master Sen Genshitu,
 the Kazuo Inamori Kyocera Honorary Chairman

 大西清右衛門 氏、岩元修士氏(山形屋社長)大倉俊 氏(ノエビア社長)下谷友康 氏(千修社長)
 數田健二 氏(三菱東京UFJ銀行執行役員、京都支店長)金井宏実 氏(金井重要工業社長)、中央が塚本能交 氏
 Mr. Seiuemon Onishi, Mr. Iwamoto Syuji (President at Yamakataya) Okura Takashi (President at Noevir)
 Tomoyasu Shitaya (president at Sensyu ) Mr Kazuta Kenji (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ operating officer,
 President at Mr. Kyoto branch manager) Mr Hiromi Kanai (Kanai Juyo Kogyo),
 the center Mr. Yoshikata Tsukamoto)

 女優 風吹ジュンさん,私のメル友でもある。Actress Fubuki Jun,she is my e-mail friend also.


 Mr. Tsukamoto Yoshikata (President at Wacoal) is existence of the elder brother for the quarters of century.
 It was initiated into chugalugging in old days when I was not able to drink liquor.
 Tsukamoto is the many legendary owners who are interesting as well as liquor.
 And he charmed many people with true gentleness.
 He also has splendid for him and there is the beautiful wife.
 Unfortunately there is not a child.
 His gentleness is poured by eldest son " Noboru'" Tsukamoto Mari who is sisters.
 Yoshikata take over from Wacoal founder who was father, Mr Tsukamoto Koichi were built and entrusted it ,
 now he is tryng to continue toNoboru as an uncle, and it was shown as a successor of the Tsukamoto family.
 Urasenke Great Grand Tea Master Sen genshitu, Mr Inamori Kazuo
  (Kyocera Honorary Chairman) were informed of, and it was the attendance of various places such as industry
 and government, entertainer, the supotsu player who did it including Foreign Minister Maehara.
 My table was sitting all onother VIP guests and served special wine, and everybody considerably drank it.
 October 10, 2010.
 Tsukamoto Noboru ,Nakamura Kei blessed on such a special day, congratulations.


■まるびぃonザ ラジオに出演/Public Live Radio


 16:00 まるびぃonザ ラジオにゲスト出演
 Public Live Radio and I was guest speaker.Mr. Akimoto Yuji who acted as the director in
 Kanazawa 21st century museum was a host position, and it was live broadcasting with
 Hirami yuki, Sachi Morishita, Sanae Morishita three woman announcers.

 16:00 金沢21世紀美術館にあるシアターにて「まるびぃonザ ラジオ」にゲスト出演した。

 NEW YORKのSTUDIO 54というCLUB DISCOへ皆で行ってみたのだが、

 Public live broadcasting
 I did a guest-shot to "marubi on the radio" in the theater in the Kanazawa 21st centuryart museum at 16:00.
 Mr. Akimoto Yuji who acted as the director in Kanazawa 21st century museum was a host position,
 and it was live broadcasting with Hirami yuki, Sachi Morishita, Sanae Morishita three woman announcers.
 Perhaps listener is not interesting by the story of tradition and the modern art.
 As a result of having made arrangements together, it was decided that everybody talked freely.
 We learned strictness, gentleness while a movie "seemed to be the setting sun of the ALWAYS 3 chome"
 and lived on the topic that Akimoto and I understood as a big family together in the times when
 Japanese all people did their best.
 I swelled by the time and the present comparison.
 In addition, I learned a dance in DISCO where I went to like a house, and I went to high school,
 university in Tokyo. And then we performed it together to CLUB DISCO called STUDIO 54 of NEW YORK,
 but have danced it between the friends of the boy without knowing the manners and customs that could
 dance it only in a pair.
 One hour has passed by such a topic that I was not related with the art at all in no time.
 And some friends said "it was interesting" some emails arrived, and the radio knew that I had
 mysterious charm at night.


■eAT’11 KANAZAWA 実行委員会/executive committee


 挨拶する中島信也委員長。森源二 金沢副市長、土佐信道氏(明和電機)宮田人司氏、
 Chairperson Shinya Nakajima had opening remark.
 An executive committee was held by attendance such as Genji Mori Kanazawa deputy mayors,
 Mr. Nobumichi Tosa (Meiwa electric equipment) Hitoshi Miyata,
 Hiromi Yamaguchi (a contemporary art laboratory) at Kanazawa City Hall.



 2011年度eAT KANAZAWAのテーマは「メイド•イン•ジャパン 〜金沢から発信するNIPPON」。

 コーディネーター 中島信也氏、鄭秀和氏、そして私とがセミナーが行われることになった。

 An executive committee was held at Kanazawa-City Hall office.
 eAT is an abbreviated designation called ERECTORONICS ART TALENTIVE.
 An animation and a movie, designs are various and invite people playing an active part and are intended
 to interchange while learning.
 Kanazawa-city showed big understanding in this.
 It is acted as a chairperson, Shinya Nakajima becomes prosperous every year.
 I participate as a member of the executive committee from a setup, but the event to continue for a long time
 is the thing which power falls into in momentum and mannerism, but this event usually
 receives great support to a youth.
 Kenji Kawai (a composer) is to be held as a general producer in 2011.
 And the decided expert Prize (a general producer of the next year) was decided with
 Mr. Shuwa Tei (architect * designer) .
 I had a chance to meet with Mr. Shuwa Tei by an introduction of Hitoshi Miyata (sendo Co., Ltd.) recently,
 but it was an encounter impressive at all because I knew his design-like activity.
 The theme of 2011 eAT KANAZAWA "maid * in * Japan - Kanazawa NIPPON to send" it to.
 It is started on February 4, but the title it "the article made in Japan knowing the world" performed in
 Kanazawa-City art village at 14:15 on Saturday on 5th, and a seminar will be performed coordinator
 Shinya Nakajima, Zheng Hidekazu and me.


■奈良•薬師寺/Nara Yakusiji Temple



 松久保 伽秀氏(薬師寺執事)とともに/with Priest Matsukubo Kasyu

 9:30 薬師寺を訪れる。


 薬師寺執事である松久保 伽秀氏の協力のもとで、裏千家淡交会奈良支部が席を設けて下さることに決定したのだが、


 I visited Yakushi-ji Temple at 9:30.
 as the successive pipe head, the elder priest are close relations with my family since long time.
 It is the thing that it is very thankful for.
 From November 15 to 18th, Japan, China,Korea a symposium and the work exhibition between crafts artists
 held at Yakushi-ji Temple.
 Tokyo university of Arts and the Japan Foundation are sponsoring ,and tea ceremony will be held,
 and I am in charge.
 IIt was meeting for that event.
 Under the cooperation of Matsukubo Kasyu which is Yakushi-ji Temple butler, Urasenke Nara Branch decided to
 establish the ceremony, helping by Board member Mr Nakamura Soryu and Mayumi Oyabu who is one of best friend
 from the youth group , and a permanent post secretary advance.
 October 9th, the Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress will visit to Yakushi-ji, and it was very interesting.


■天河神社•熊野古道/Tenkawa Shrine and Kumano Anccient Road


 天河神社 / Tenkawa Shinto shrine

 熊野本宮大社/Kumano Shinto shrine

 熊野古道/Kumano Ancient Road




 I send the second son participating in a school excursion to Taiwan early in the morning at 5:30 to
 Kanazawa Izumigao High School was the meeting place by car.
 The outside was still dark.
 It was necessary to go to make arrangements by all means in Nara * Yakushi-ji Temple on 6th.
 I decided that I visited it and went directly to the Yoshino ancient morality that I wanted to always perform one
 day ago, Tenkawa Shinto shrine by car because I got up early in the morning anyway.
 It is right the action of the idea.
 The outside turns into normal sunlight, and the navigation directs it to choose the Kinki way.
 It is oneself visiting the world, but, in fact, is poor at Japanese geography.
 I took Yoshino, Kumano to be near from Nara-city, but it was instructions to go down Osaka from the Kinki
 way in a past area, but becomes uneasy.
 I left a car in the convenience store and set navigation again.
 Then four hours and indication have still changed from there.
 When it set it when I left Kanazawa, it was 11:30 in the time of arrival to Kumano.
 I run by the unbelievable mountain path where it is impossible to pass an oncoming car like a rally afterwards.
 I was approaching to the Kumano ancient road, but discovered a signature of Tenkawa Villege accidentally.
 And I rescheduled it and visited Tianhe Shrine earlier.
 It was forest in itself or God, and there was the fresh air which a person was made to live in there there.
 It was the place that it wanted to visit ever since it was taken up by the NHK program called the whisper
 of the earth 20 several years ago.
 And to Kumano ancient road, the Hongu, Kumano Shirine.
 The arrival had been an evening, but there was the forest where there seemed to be the soul of people
 of the ancient Yamato there while walking the ancient road there.
 And I ran the whole course of the mountain path such as the rally by car again for approximately four hours,
 and there has been what arrived at Nara with midnight.


■カナザワ文化発見講座/Discover Kanazawa Culture from Lecture


 Students such as Kanazawa University, Kanazawa College of Arts, Seiryo University gathered,
 and the foreign student from Vietnam which learned Japanese culture participated

 students are sharing experience of tea ceremony by mother Yoko tea making.



 In this year, the Kanazawa City Hall Planning Division holds the culture lecture for five times.
 The once is to experience of tea ceremony and learn about ohi history by me.
 Students such as Kanazawa University, Kanazawa College of Arts, Seiryo University gathered,
 and the foreign student from Vietnam which learned Japanese culture participated
 They had experience of tea ceremony in tea room Hodoan,and lecture in Ohi Museum,
 but I ask myself what kind of thing would have their impression?
 It may be difficult to learn things after they become a member of society, and it is very important to
 experience that theycannot learn for school days.
 I admire posture to wrestle with culture seriously of Kanazawa-City.


■体感!金沢の旅オプショナルツアー/Visiting Kanazawa Optional Toure


 金沢21世紀美術館で現代美術を解説/Explain about contemporary art at Kanazawa 21st Century Museumof Art

 解散となった金沢21世紀美術館James Tarrellの部屋で/we visited James Tarrell Art Project.

 I visited Omotesenke Tea Master Yoshikura School was hosted tea ceremony by coincidence
 meeting with Italian Honeymoon couple.


 We visited to Ishikawa Prefectural art museum "art of kanoetsu" And with the option in , Kanazawa the 21st century
 Museum ofcontemporary art with part of participated. And I explined from these museum exhibitions.
 I visited these museum in yesterday.And considerd what I should talk about? It becomes own learning myself,
 to make comment for people.
 It was very special exhibition "art of kanoetsu" from straw-rope patterned pottery to a tea utencils beforehand
 the day before while I considered Kaga, Noto,Ecchu which old local consciousness called .


■体感!金沢の旅名匠の茶会/Visiting Kanazawa and attending Tea Ceremony


 11:30 大樋美術館で私が解説、そして講演をする。/at 11:30.I do a commentary and a lecture in Ohi Museum

 application on a magazine and the Internet, Hagi-shi, Yamaguchi, Akashi-shi, Hyogo, Osaka-shi, Maizuru-shi,
 Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, and Chiba,,,,, the seats of 20 capacity but it became 24 people.

 12:20 茶室「芳土庵」で「民芸茶会」を父 十代長左衛門が亭主となり、母の点前で行われた
 Father 10th Ohi Chozaemon becomes hosting at "a folk craft (Mingei) tea ceremony" in
 tea room "hodoan" by mother Yoko making tea.

 料亭 金城楼で懐石料理を食して記念写真を参加者の皆様とともに
 Attending Kaiseki Lunch at Kinjoro with participant and took a memorial photo.


 11:30 大樋美術館で私が解説、そして講演をする。
 12:20 茶室「芳土庵」で「民芸茶会」を父 十代長左衛門が亭主となり、母の点前
 13:30 参加者の方々と私が金城楼で懐石を共に食する



 This tea ceremony to plan in Kanazawa City Hall office and association of Kanazawa sightseeing becomes
 the third time by this year.
 at 11:30.
 I do a commentary and a lecture in Ohi Museum
 at 12:20,
 Father 10th Ohi Chozaemon becomes hosting at "a folk craft (Mingei) tea ceremony" in tea room "hodoan"
 by mother Yoko making tea.and I participant Kaiseki lunch together in Kinjoro
 It was performed by such a plan, but, by an application on a magazine and the Internet, Hagi-shi,
 Yamaguchi, Akashi-shi, Hyogo, Osaka-shi, Maizuru-shi, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, and Chiba,,,,, the
 seats of 20 capacity but it became 24 people.
 There were the people of consecutive participation, and it may have been with an event to be able
 to enjoy while regarding an idea of every year with my father.
 Father, Chozaemon really likes tea ceremony.
 he take long time and concentrate a thought if he become the tea ceremony host.
 And he prepare while choosing a work in the storage of museum until midnight.
 In fact,people come from the far-off place and think that I am really thankful for obtaining an
 opportunity tomeet both sides.
 The figure of father who talked in spite of being service at a tea ceremony seemed to me he is really happy.


■高岡市金屋町「楽市」/Takaoka city Kanaya Crafts Project


 2010/09/18 18:30パネルディスカッションが神妙寺で行われた。貴志雅樹氏(富山大学教授)、
 at 18:30. A panel discussion was carried out in Shinmyoji temple.
 Mr Masaki Kishi (a professor at Toyama University),
 Mr. Akiyoshi Takagawa (Manager Takaoka-shi design industrial arts center fielder)
 Shigetaka Aikawa (aide Director Kanazawa utatsuyama Crafts studio),
 Mr Yasukazu Kirimoto (Wajima lacquering technique * design producer),
 Mr Ryuhei Tanaya (Toyama glass studio plan development producer)
 and I were invited as a panelist.

 私の作品も町家の一角に陳列されている/it was displayed my works at one of the old house

 The tea ceremony was held in Kanayamachi. from right Mr Akimoto Yuji
 (President of Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Arts) myself,
 and Mr Ito Junji (Professor of University of Toyama)

 Kanayamachi(Takaoka city) free crafts market using like gallery from old town houses.




 "Free-crafts market" in Kanayamachi, in Takaoka-city, becoming the third by this year.
 The people who lived there accepted as a festival, and a scale became bigger.
 It is sworn friend, Junji Ito who became a professor at Toyama University to have set.
 at 18:30. A panel discussion was carried out in Shinmyoji temple.
 Mr Masaki Kishi (a professor at Toyama University), Mr. Akiyoshi Takagawa
 (Manager Takaoka-shi design industrial arts center fielder)
 Shigetaka Aikawa (aide Director Kanazawa utatsuyama Crafts studio),
 Mr Yasukazu Kirimoto (Wajima lacquering technique * design producer),
 Mr Ryuhei Tanaya (Toyama glass studio plan development producer)
 and I were invited as a panelist.
 Excellent chairmanship (+ getting drunk?) of Masaki Kishi
 It became significant with the atmosphere of the de temple school happily.
 It was the production center of the copper utensil, and Takaoka talked about craft tied to life
 deeply being important with a participant.
 The tea ceremony was held in Kanayamachi that became the Similarly gallery and participated the next day.
 As for this event united Toyama University, Takaoka-city, people of the Kanayamachi resident,
 none of will to say generalize this, and to tie it again in the next year,
 it will be good example for town development.


■三谷育英会設立50周年記念/50 years of The Mitani scholarship association


 MR Mitani Shinz (Mitani Sangyo ex-President Co., Ltd.)

 Thanks remark for after finished operetta by Mrs Mitani Michiko

 財団法人 三谷育英会設立50周年記念懇親会、三谷美智子氏、三谷明子氏/
 50 years anniversary party for The Mitani scholarship association. from right former
 Director Mrs Mitani Michiko and present Director Mrs Mitani Akiko

 記念懇親会  右から三谷産業会長 三谷充氏、中村信一氏(金沢大学学長)於 金沢ANAクランプラザホテル/
 Anniversary Party for 50 years for The Mitani scholarship association. from right CEO Mitani Co
 Mr Mitani Mitsuru and Mr Nakamura Shinichi (president of kanazawa University)







 The Mitani scholarship association was established based by first chief director Shinzo Mitani
  (Mitani Sangyo ex-President Co., Ltd.) 50 years ago It was on his materials.
 Mr Mitani Shinzo could not go school for the business succession.
 He minded the disappointing thought of a young day and was considerate of the bitterness of the
 youth who could not enter a school of higher grade while studies were excellent, and Mitani scholarship
 association was established.
 While the arts and sciences which were in a high school or the university in Ishikawa, Fukui,
 and people from Toyama were excellent, study performed the salary of school expenses for difficult by
 an economic reason and worked for upbringing of the talented person.
 The support for the foreign student started from 1988, and extended the number of scholarship students,
 and a scholarship has been carried out since the establishment by 603 students.
 The Mitani research and development support foundation was established on March 10, 2005,
 and Mrs Mitani Michiko of the chief director was established for the purpose of assisting the researcher
 who carried the future for a useful study in a university located in Ishikawa and a graduate school for the
 second generation of the Mitani scholarship association.
 I am member of a selection committee, also.
 It was celebrated Mitani scholarship association establishment 50 years this time, and the operetta which
 Mr Mitani Shinzo loved deeply in an Ishikawa Prefectural concert hall was staged, and banquet society
 was held in Kanazawa ANA Crown Plaza Hotel.
 There is presence, and it was Mrs Mitani Michiko acted as the Mitani scholarship association chief director
 that it is just recently, and a certain dignity woman of the gray hair is mother of Mr Mitani Mitsuru who
 is a chairperson.
 Mr Mitani Mitsuru who stared at the figure of mother impressed to appreciate presentation of the operetta
 while shedding tears is person that he is just like my brother since long timeoyakoukou .
 Will it be what and large-scale filial devotion?
 I was invited to the panel discussion in the Kanayamachi, Takaoka-city "crafts-market",
 I left this gathering halfway and went to Takaoka by my car.


■中国·四川省·成都から北京への機内で/China Sichuan Chengdu-Beijing flight


 Most people read a newspaper by "the capture on China fishing boat in a front-page story of the one side
 and the territorial waters which Japan insists" on to be where it was in a plane moving to Beijing from Chengdu.




 先般、米国のクリントン長官の発言でも 「韓国や日本、オーストラリアのような同盟国とのきずなを再確認し、


 There is a disappointing matter.
 Most people read a newspaper by "the capture on China fishing boat in a front-page story of the one side and the
 territorial waters which Japan insists" on to be where it was in a plane moving to Beijing from Chengdu.
 Everybody seems to have watched me, but is particular because thepapers are Chinese.
 As for what I can understand only in a kanji, the Chinese government protests the Japanese Government and
 the Chinese diplomatic service call the Japanese ambassador early in the morning. And probably the sailor will
 say return home to China.
 I am particular by politics.
 However, it is the problem that must be settled somehow.
 I closed my eyes in a plane and was going to sleep, but have been lost in thought what Japanese and Japan were.
 It is time when it visited Jiuzhai.
 There was a Japanese tour visitor in the place.
 Chinese people are watching landscape and around 45 years old Japanese man is holding camera and
 said " Hey, Move" towards!

 He think that nobody understands it and yell aloud.
 Even if it did not go, as for the words, his action has moved people who watched scenery.
 I go to him unintentionally; "I am a Japanese".
 I heard the present your words and have shouted when it was very shameful that there was you in Japanese.
 There are several friends, but ignores it silently.
 Chinese friends who did not understand the meaning of words were able to understand only what I felt
 indignant at clearly.
 I left the place, but angry oneself became ashamed thanks to beauty of nature.
 There is a sign there by all means, and it is written explanation that we visit the sightseeing spot.
 In Japan, it is often written as Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean.
 The Korean will be sometimes reversed to Chinese.
 However, what is a standard, and who will decide this turn?
 The title at the Chinese sightseeing spot is Chinese, English, Korean, may not hamve the Japanese,
 but it is often written last.
 Which I "reaffirmed the bond with the ally which seemed to be Korea and Japan, Australia, and was able to
 deepen relations with China and India" by the remark of the Secretary American Clinton recently.
 When she enumerated allies of the Asia and the Pacific area by a speech in Washington of 8th,
 she called Korea earlier from Japan.
 The thing which is conscious because she will be made from a manuscript does not have a difference.
 It is certain that the Japanese prospered for a long time till now in Asia.
 I who only watched some China may be exaggeration, but a miracle can think because such a small
 country fought with a large country.
 Perhaps the reason will be because there was always Confucianism-like consideration to
 Japanese ancient people.
 I think that it is not to be able to praise a person to be lacking in a Japanese now.
 If somebody succeeds, people think about finding out a weak point and a fault.
 Of course that society is sick is only a magazine, a newspaper, such contents even if it is a fact.
 Of course I may not be respected as a Japanese, but intend to wish for a meeting in important
 Beijing from tomorrow.


■中国·四川省·九寨溝•黄龍•成都市/China Sichuan Jiuzhai、Huang Long & Chengdu City)


 中国·四川省·九寨溝/China Sichuan Jiuzhai

 九寨溝(Jiuzhai)にある、チベットラマ教寺院で18世活佛 登巴贡培師(Deng Ba Gong Pei)と面会した。
 I met with 18th generation of Lama Deng Ba Gong Pei in Tibet Lama temple in Jiuzhai.


 九寨溝(Jiuzhai)にある、チベットラマ教寺院で18世活佛 登巴贡培師(Deng Ba Gong Pei)と面会した。

 I visited Jiuzhai and Huang Long in Sichuan from Beijing.
 It was appointed to a world heritage, and it was a scene magnificent beautifully.
 While ancient people respect Buddhism, Taoism, I can imagine that they formed a city as dignity in the
 snowy mountains.
 The people believing Tibetan Buddhism pray to high mountains earnestly, and the life protects teaching to
 continue as an everlasting thing as samsara.
 It cannot be only me that I became the mysterious feeling that it is a mandala, and was made to totally walk.
 It is a project of Beijing that I cannot yet clarify, but perhaps the design which respected the spirituality that it
 looks like it as for what is demanded from me may be that it is necessary.
 I live in state of things U.S.A., and there are the friends of the Indian, but there are 54 races in the very large
 ground in China from the ancient times.
 There is a common spirituality to them and us whom they survived while worshiping somebody as God and *.
 Even if China and distance of Japan leave only anything, it cannot be only me that feel like having heard it in a
 musical instrument and a song somewhere in old days.
 As for the memory that there has been, born DNA may lie hidden in Asia there in old days to be the town which
 came for the first time.
 I was strong in regionality called Asia! and a feeling came to fret. the meaning that were different from the
 concept of the country called Japan,ot China
 I met with 18th generation of Lama Deng Ba Gong Pei in Tibet Lama temple in Jiuzhai.
 He passed from a teacher to be training itself sitting down to an special chair for one month and had advocate,
 but the conduct resembled me who was a Soto sect priest so that the same denomination could think.
 Anything passed through the meaning of the flag which I did not understand with a thing called tarucho
 (pray flag) finely, and it was written Buddhist words.




 Beautiful Tibet snow mountains just before the landing Sichuan Jiuzhaihuanglong Airport in China

 北京空港で4時間近く待たされてから四川九寨黄龍空港(Jiuzhaihuanglong Airport)に着いた。

 I arrived at Jiuzhaihuanglong Airport since I was kept waiting in Beijing Airport for nearly four hours.
 I wonder I maybe slept for around three hours
 I saw a mountain range of the remaining snow mountains. It looks nature cut that very sharply for each
 mountains from a window from a plane.
 It was beautiful magnificent scenery.Tibet soon, it is small sa Airport belonging to landing,
 but a very modern terminal,it looks runway looks very long.
 I knew it later, this aiport is located the highlands as it lands at the Mt. Fuji mountaintop of an altitude
 of 3447.65m have it. so air is thin, that is why it is necessary for a landing.
 There is an airport in the highlands and left for the hotel by car to pick up while withdrawing,
 but a flag of being red, blue, yellow stands everywhere, and an anything reason is possible in Tibet culture.
 I came for a project in Beijing, but it must be that it lets up that I of the ignorance learn from tomorrow.


■長谷川等伯没後400年記念茶会/Tea Ceremony for Hasegawa Tohaku after his 400 years death


 2010/09/05 茶席での鵬雲斉大宗匠、小田支部長、そして父母
 during the tea ceremony with Hounsai great Tea Master,
 Mr Oda Sadahiko( president of Urasenke ishikawa Chapter) and my parents

 2010/09/05 茶席を終えて弟 奈良久司、長男 祐希、私、鵬雲斉大宗匠、父 十代長左衛門、
 after the tea ceremony from left young brother Nara Hisashi, my son Yuki, myself,
 Urasenke Great tea Master Dr Sen Genshitu, and Father Ohi Chozaemon ‡]

 懇親会で乾杯の発声をする父 十代大樋長左衛門、左に小田禎彦加賀屋会長 裏千家石川支部長、右に千玄室氏(裏千家鵬雲斉大宗匠)
 at the welcome party for toast ceremony by Ohi Chozaemon
 ‡]Aleft Mr Oda Sadahiko(president of Urasenke Ishikawa Chapter)
 and right Dr Sen Genshitsu Hounsai Urasenke Great Grand Tea Master

 同時にそれを記念した茶会があり、1000人の招待客のもとで父 十代長左衛門は席主となった。




 18:00 鵬雲斉大宗匠を囲む懇親会が加賀屋で開かれた。
 父 十代長左衛門の乾杯の発声で400人の参加者とともに賑やかな宴が始まった。

 Painter Tohaku Hasegawa after died 400 years. Nanao-city, Ishikawa that was hometown caused urasenke
 Housai Great Tea Master lecture was held.
 Speaking of painter Tohaku, the pine wood figure screen painted in Momoyama era in the 16th century is
 too famous. It was possessed by the Tokyo National Museum, but I did not know that equal Tohaku was from
 same Ishikawa prefecture.
 I was able to understand at a lecture of Hounsai, but I serve Hatakeyama who was seven lord of a castle,
 and a work is left in Kyoto Daitoku-ji Temple.
 That interchange fitted Sen Rikyu is imagined in those days.
 There was a tea ceremony in commemoration of it at the same time, and, in the father 10th Chozaemon Ohi,
 he was hosted with 1,000 invited guests by memorial tea ceremony .The commemorative tea party was held
 in Kagaya, and we repeated 80 parties or more from an early morning, and a total of 1,000 invited guests gathered,
 and Hounsai was attended before a lecture.
 Hounsai lecture was held at 16:15, and it was preached when he was pictured at the moment,it was power and
 can feel his thought and his eyes. and anything more than the religion lay hidden in the heart to a picture of Tohaku",
 I felt person Tohaku was able to have the impression that could not think with the person 400 years ago.
 A social gathering for Hounsaiwas held by Ursenke ishikawa Chapter in Kagaya at 18:00.
 After Chairperson Sadahiko Oda (president of urasenke isikawa Chapter),
 greetings of Mayor Nanao City Takemoto, a lively party began with 400 participants by the utterance of
 the toast of the father OHi ChozaemonⅩ.
 The most of Ishikawa chapter tea people was stayed at night, but because I would be Beijing day after
 tomorrow from Tokyo, tomorrow is Tokyo, there was debut for tea ceremony for my son Yuki at this time
 on the car and came back to Kanazawa at midnight.


■JIDF 東京藝大フォーラム/JIDF Naitional University of Tokyo College of Art Forum


 東京藝大祭/Festival in Tokyo National University of Arts

 トークセッション、 左から榎了壱氏、山田真美氏、私、鏡リュウジ氏/
 from Talk Session,left Mr Inamoto Ryoichi, Yamada Mari, myself, and Kagami Ryuji.

 参加者のみなさん 於 東京藝術大学美術学部中央棟第1講義室/
 Audience from our session at Tokyo National University Art department of main building lecture hall.

 夜は翌日行われる茶会準備で和倉温泉 加賀屋まで行かなければならない。

 東京藝術大学の藝祭の協力事業としてチェアマン 日比野克彦氏が企画したフォーラムに参加させていただいた。

 There was the meeting of Kanazawa Izumigaoka High School PTA officers and has drunk heavily the day.
 It is a schedule hard at all in a day of Kanazawa and Tokyo today to participate in FORUM performed in a
 day at Tokyo National university of Arts.
 I must go back to Nanao city Kagaya by tea ceremony preparations to be carried out the next day at night.
 JIDF is the cable address of the Japanese Internal Design Forum.
 We participated in the forum that chairman Katsuhiko Hibino planned as a cooperation event of the art
 festival of the Tokyo National university of Arts.
 It was a session of one hour, but talked under a theme to say to ask "what the inspiration was" that a
 student chose with Ryoichi Enomoto, Mami Yamada, Kagami Ryuji.
 Because it was to be shown at the future by Tokyo National university of Arts.and the JIDF secretariat,
 the contents did not touch it, but it was with the conversation that there were contents.


■檀ふみさん来宅/Actress Dan Fumi visited Ohi Mueum


 檀ふみさんと父 十代長左衛門、弟 奈良久司 於 大樋美術館/
 Actress Dan Fumi and father Ohi Chozaemon Ⅹ and young brother Nara Hisashi at Ohi Museum.

 檀ふみさんと父 長左衛門/Actress Dan Fumi and Ohi Chozaemon Ⅹ.

 茶でもてなした母と檀ふみさん 於 茶室「芳土庵」/Mother hosted tea ceremony for Dan Fumi at Tea-room HODOAN


 ましてや、弟 奈良久司は裏千家業躰としてお家元のもとで全国を飛び回っている。



 It was experienced tea bowl maiking the day before in my studio.
 Actress Dan Fumi had tea experience in tea room "hodoan" today after Ohi ware history
 by my father at the OHI Museum.
 How many times will be there which is father, mother and I gather all in my home in the year?
 For the place where is different from my home with a studio and the Ohi Museum,
 I am not in the house at the time of maiking. We sometimes leave Kanazawa by a private exhibition and a lecture.
 Father and I our schedules are separate, too,we may meet by air accidentally while being in the same house.
 Besides younger brother Nara Hisashi runs around the whole country with a Grand Tea Master of a Urasenke.
 Father, mother, younger brother, I, all were able to be necessary to be accidental on that day in my home.
 Father explained the Ohi history to Dan Fumi in Ohi Museum.
 Mother did hospitality of the tea in tea-ceremony room "hodoan".
 I think that I am really thankful for parents being well.
 The wearing of the kimono of Dan Fumi was the wouderful.
 I think that it is the Japanese beautiful woman who hairstyle, wearing, inside, all serve, and gathers.


■壇ふみさんの作陶/Actress Dan Fumi makes tea bowl


 Actress Dan Fumi is one of my old friend.
 She visited my studio and made tea bowl for [Kanazawa Fashion Messe]





 参考 http://www.oshalemesse.com/topics.htm

 Dan Fumi, Agawa Sawako are old friend since long time.
 It is women who are full of the essence of the Japanese culture,
 and it is the place that all their intellectual saha recognizes by the coverage of the magazine.
 In late years an event called "the fashion Messe" is carried out in Kanazawa.
 In this year, Kanazawa city authorized Dan Fumi as the first Kanazawa craft ambassador.
 She carrys a big role to let you send craft arts of Kanazawa more.
 The kimono of the Kaga yuzen which Dan Fumi designed in "fashion Messe" performed in
 October and some craft art objects are to be announced.
 It was visited my studio that it was made "Ohi Tea Bowl" for the event.
 It has been received instruction variously from Urasenke Grand Tea master Zabousai,
 but I was surprised by making raku making experienced in.
 "Sentence" "mountains" and a carved handicraft bowl were completed a lot.
 Excellent! Dan Fumi !!!!!
 She will visit the OHI Museum tomorrow, and there will be the tea-ceremony in tea room "hodoan".
 Perhaps it will be that it is appeared with a beautiful kimono figure.
 Wellknown magazine [Fujingahou] is reporting all this activities and will publish on 2011 new years issue.


■裏千家四国定期巡回講師/Visiting to Shikoku for Urasenke Visiting Lecture


 伊予三島に向かう途中の海岸で/Beach near Iyomishima

 2010/08/28 ホテルから観た早朝5:30の伊予三島/
 The early morning at 5:30 of iyomishima city from Hotel

 2010/08/28 八幡浜支部主催の講演会に訪れてくれた聴講者のみなさん、八幡浜市民会館
 Hosted by Uraseneke Yahatahama Chapter at Yahatahama Civic Center

 2010/08/29 裏千家三島支部主催講演会、四国中央市福祉会館/
 Hosted by Urasenke Mishima Chapter at Shikoku-Chuo-shi welfare hall



 夜は八幡浜支部幹事長 高橋宗周先生をはじめとした幹部先生との懇親会を催していただいた。


 三島支部幹事長 石津宗哲先生などの迎えの車でホテルに移動。
 四国中央市市長 井原巧氏、支部幹部先生方と懇親会があり、話題は尽きず有意義な一時となった。

 四国中央市市長 井原巧氏も朝から駆けつけていただき、若い市長さんのエネルギーには敬服した。


 I write blog after a long absence.
 It is a fact to be hot summer, but, in fact, is not well-conditioned not heat stroke.
 I am devoted to making of Nitten approaching the autumn now almost every year.
 If it is only it, physical condition cannot have the abnormality.
 I canceled the work in Beijing that I supose to go in this month at the last moment and
 have troubled the person concerned.
 The right shoulder rear is always painful.
 And it spread through the front and came to have a pain in the waist, too.
 I did an overhaul by MRI, but, not an internal thing, it was the words of the uneasy chief physician to
 have possibilities to be a mental thing.
 When a body is a very mysterious thing, I keenly realize it.
 I understand the cause.
 It is because a concern continues about a certain project in now, and I am considerably responsible,
 and it feels strong pressure.
 It may be words expressed well that "a back is heavy".
 I make a bowl.
 I design it.
 I yearn for the person.
 I cannot but believe oneself with artist.
 It is a sense without what it experienced so far.
 It absolutely has the confidence to get over.
 In such a feeling, I was invited to the Mishima branch office in Shikoku-Chuo-shi as a person of
 Uraenek on Yawatahama Branch and 29th on 28th.
 At this time devoted to a thought as artist deeply, I talked about outlook on present Japan which
 I felt through Japan feng shui.
 Of course I spoke ccretive city planning of Kanazawa and the Ohiyaki also.
 The reaction is immeasurable what kind of thing it was, but the talk that is deeper than everyday me
 feels like it having been possible.

 27th August, it is Haneda Airport from Komatsu.
 Transfer; and Matsuyama.
 Yawatahama where I moved by car to pick up for 90 minutes and arrived at.
 I had social gathering with the executive officer teacher including Chief Secretary of Yawatahama Branch
 Takashi Takahashi Sousyu at night.
 And I prepared for a lecture of the next day, but it was with 4:00 a.m. if I noticed it in what elaborated a
 new topic with a PC.

 On 28th, a guidebook had the outskirts in the morning and could put a 2-hour lecture away in Yawatahama
 civic center until 4:00 from 2:00 p.m. and jumped onto a train and went directly to the Iyomishima station.
 For 28 days, it is come at 19:30 by the Iyomishima station.
 I move to a hotel by cars such as Chief Secretary of Mishima Branch ishitsu Soukei to pick up.
 There were Mayor of Shikoku-Chuo-shi Takumi Ihara, branch office executive officer teachers and a
 social gathering, and the topic did not run out.

 On 29th, I gave a lecture in Shikoku-Chuo-shi welfare hall until 12:00 from 10:00.
 Mayor of Shikoku-Chuo-shi Takumi Ihara came from morning and admired energy of a young mayor.
 Perhaps a lot of common topics are shearing; feel like going together.
 The stay in Shikoku was a short time, but writes this blog in the train which returns to Kanazawa with a
 new feeling by having been able to touch a warm heart of person of Urasenke branch offices.


■花の茶会/Flower Tea Ceremony


 隈研吾氏考案のアルミの棚で飾られた点心席/designed by Kuma Kengo and it was create for lunch service.

 暗い部屋をアルミ板によって道具が浮かび上がってくる/from darkness all objects are reflecting with using aluminum.

 2010/07/30 北國新聞朝刊(21) 右は金沢21世紀美術館館長 秋元雄史氏 

 彼とは故 田中一光氏、故 伊住政和氏とともに茶美会という新しい茶のかたちを模索してきたコアの仲間である。



 Junji Ito is a sworn friend.
 Such he held a tea ceremony in Kanazawa accounting (a teahouse street) geisha town.
 He is the friend of the core which groped for form of new tea called SABIE with late Ikkou Tanaka,
 Mr. late Masakazu Izumi.
 It dates back several years before 20, too.
 He is an art commentator and acts as the Nagasaki Prefectural art museum director until just this and
 it is with Toyama
 University art department professor now and goes over the town through art and opens the action that it is just.
 It is with the proposer of the big art event (craft arts) that was able to take the whole town as the
 gallery as a reproduction project of Kanayamachi, Takaoka-shi (a town of the metalworking) for some time the year
 before last, and I participate from the first time.
 I was invited the tea ceremony that I served as 17,18,19 day and held for the PR in September this year.
 As is expected, as for Junji Ito who became the master of seat, there was only a core member of the tSABIE,
 and a thought was concentrated.
 New space was created by using many aluminum at will in an old Japanese-style room.
 He was characteristic!


■高瀬由紀さんのファションショー/Takase Yuki Fashion Show


 高瀬由紀さんのファションショー 於 しいのき迎賓館/YUKITAKASE Fashion Show at Shiinoki Guesthouse in Kanazawa

 ショーを終えた高瀬由紀さん/with Takase Yuki after the fashion show


 Yuki Takase pursues new fasyon while using a lot of material of the stockbroker in local Kanazawa.
 And she receive a high evaluation as YUKITAKASE brand.
 At the new place called the shiinoki guesthouse, her new development was announced this time.


■Jonathan Nibbe帰国/returning home


 7月14日16:00 父長左衛門は所用で不在だったが、
 Jonathan Nibbeに大樋工房奨学生修了証書を茶室「芳土庵」で皆が立ち会って渡した。
 It was not possible to attend father 10th Ohi Chozaemon, but everybody was present in tea-ceremony room
 "hodoan" and handed a OHI STUDIO scholarship student diploma to Jonthan Nibbe.
 His smile was very impressive.

 「出会いに乾杯」また戻ってこい JONATHAN!
 Morning, 3:10.It is a train from Kanazawa Station for him to go to Kansai Airport.
 I think that perhaps he cried and waves his hand
 "A toast to an encounter" return again; JONATHAN!

 Cang Chin Yuen教授のもとで学んだJonthan Nibbeはその制度の下に、


 父長左衛門は所用で不在だったが、Jonthan Nibbeに大樋工房奨学生修了証書を茶室「芳土庵」で皆が立ち会って渡した。


 Tainan College of Arts and the OHI STUDIO exchange the conclusion of the scholarship student system.
 This school is an outstanding composite art university in music, movie, art and Taiwan which can learn widely,
 and it is with both the art of Tokyo University of Arts and the sisters conclusion school.

 A recommended student might learn in my studio and learned Jonthan Nibbe which he learned with Professor
 Cang Chin Yuen under the system for half a year in my studio.

 He who came over in cold winter cleared it of snow first thing in the morning and waited for other assistants.
 And it was already warm in the studio.When I went to the studio at midnight, he was silent and making pots.
 When my friends visited the studio, he took out Chinese tea quietly.
 He wrestled with making seriously and sincere contacted a person.
 The staff of the studio which cannot speak English is impressed by his posture.

 July 14 16:00
 It was not possible to attend father 10 th Ohi Chozaemon, but everybody was present in tea-ceremony room
 "hodoan" and handed a OHI STUDIO scholarship student diploma to Jonthan Nibbe.His smile was very impressive.

 He and I worked it together in the evening in a studio until about 21:00.
 Morning, 3:10.It is a train from Kanazawa Station for him to go to Kansai Airport.

 I drank the night away with him and went directly to the Kanazawa station till then.

 I think that perhaps he cried and waves his hand
 "A toast to an encounter" return again; JONATHAN!




 毎年夏になるとPreston Sauders とChristopher Kellyが学生を連れて金沢を訪れてくる。於 大樋美術館
 Preston Sauders & Christopher Kelly are taking their own students to Kanazawa at OHI MUSEUM.

 Preston SaudersとChristpher Kellyはロチェスター工科大学大学院でRichard Hirsch教授のもとで学んだ二人だ。

 台湾国立台南芸術大学教授であるChang Ching Yuenもロチェスター工科大学大学院でRichard Hirsch教授のもとで卒業したのだが、
 それ以前はRichard Hirsch教授はボストン大学で教鞭を取っており私はそこで大学院を修了している。
 そして彼の学生でもある米国ミネソタ出身のJonathan Nibbeは私のもとで金沢で長期にわたり研修をしている。
 Richard Hirsch教授のもとに学んだ我々が世界にいる。

 昔、Richard Hirsch教授が私に言ったことがある。

 Preston Sauders and Christpher Kelly are two people who learned with Professor Richard Hirsch in
 Rochester Institute of Tecknology graduate school.
 after thei finished graduate scjool,Preston learned in my studio of Kanazawa for the same period ,
 and Chris stayed in the Echizen village, Fukui Jpan.
 They became the situation to show at an American university afterwards.
 And when it was summer every year, They took own students and came to visit Kanazawa.
 Chang Ching Yuen which is a professor at Taiwanese national Tainan College of Arts graduated with
 Richard professor Hirsch in Rochester institute of tecknology graduate school, but the professor Richard Hirsch
 teaches before it at Boston university, and I complete a graduate school there.
 He and I become the lifetime friend both officially and privately.
 And long-term, Jonathan Nibbe from Minnesota which is his student of U.S.A.
 lasts with me in Kanazawa and receives training.
 There are us who learned with Professor Richard Hirsch in the world.
 There are students whom the we taught again in the world.
 Professor Richard Hirsch has said to me in old days.
 When I "go for teaching somewhere, a student comes to pick me up at an airport".
 There is not such splendid life!
 From that, I thought of the same thing all the time.
 And I feel like having got closer to his life little by little while watching his back.


■マービン スイート57歳/Marvin Sweet 57


 2005/09/11 家族で訪れたボストンでマービンとともに/visited Boston with Marvin

 1981/09/10 ボストン大学陶芸教室、右から3人目がマービン、中央の帽子を被っているのがリチャード ハーシュ教授。
 Boston University Program in Artisanry, right 3rd Parson Marvin Sweet and in the center Professor
 Richard Hirsch. and wearing sun glass is me

 1985/09/10 ボストンでのマービンとの二人展、左マービン スイート、右リチャードハーシュ教授。
 2 men exhibition with Marvin in Boston. left Marvin sweet and right Professor Richard Hirsch.

 1985/09 ボストンでの「さよなら茶会」右にマービン/Farewell Tea Ceremony in Boston. right Marvin

 彼とは米国ボストンユニバシティー大学院でリチャ-ド ハーシュ教授に共に学んだ仲間であった。


 1983年 世界から集まった400人の参加者に初めての英語での講演をした。

 1984年 ボストン市役所で初めての個展を催したのだが、一年先に卒業したはずの彼は学校に残り私をサポートしてくれた。


 1985年 ボストンで私が催した帰国のための「さよなら茶会」

 1990年 私は帰国して5年が過ぎていたのだが、あまりにも想い出が有り過ぎてボストンへ電話することもできなかった。

 2005年 私は家族を連れてボストンを訪れた。子供達はマービンをアンクルマービンと呼びながら、彼はボストンを案内してくれた。

 マービン スイート 57歳
 1953年1月22日 フロリダで生まれる。


 News of death arrived from U.S.A.

 Marvin who was a friend died.
 He was the friend who learned from Professor Richard Hirsch together in
 Boston University graduate school (Program in Artisanry).
 I went to USA alone in 1981, I studied abroad, but, as for the acquaintance, there was the
 language barrier without being, and it was the opening that was full of uneasiness.
 It was him to have called out to when it looked like it.
 He who is difficult becomes the quarrel in rivalry with most students in the ceramic art studio.
 It is a night person, and most of students are slow in the morning, but work until midnight.
 He was the life that the going to bed was against the truth such as 8:00 p.m. as for the getting up by 3:00 a.m.
 If everybody lisened a pop, he is condition such as the classical music.
 Naturally he always clash with somebody.
 Perhaps the students whom there was at the same time should share the memory.
 However, he accepted me regardless of having been a feeling of life same as other students and helped it.
 I was able to understand by the friendship later, but he earned school expenses while working and went to
 the graduate school.
 It may be that it is that the alumnus does not still know it.

 The student life of late him was more earnest than whom.
 The life in my Boston was helped with many times by him.
 It was only that was serious that everything was born of me of the 24,25 year, and it began it, and it experienced it.

 I did a lecture in the first English to 400 participants who gathered from the world in 1983.
 It will be that Marvin heard lecture content at that time in English how many times beforehand.

 I held the first private exhibition in Boston city hall in 1984, but he who should have graduated earlier for
 one year stayed in the school and supported me.
 There are innumerable memories if I think.

 And there was the quarrel with him twice until today.
 I had him sit down on a lowest seat because "good-bye tea party" he for the return home that I held in Boston
 in 1985 was a friend, but he was the big quarrel that "would be a guest of honor if it was an important friend".

 I went back to my own country Japan in 1985, and five years passed in 1990, but there were too too many
 memories and was not able to call Boston.
 marvin asked me "was the friendship over?"
 I had a telephone of the anger.

 We come to always object in the ultimate.
 This may have been a bond of the deep friendship with him.

 I visited Boston with a family in 2005.
 Children guided Boston to him while calling Umcle Marvin.
 He without the child really looked glad.

 Marvin suite 57 years old
 He was born in Florida on January 22, 1953.
 1984 Boston university graduate school recived M.F.A.
 To date, it is active as a ceramist and author.
 He passed away in Boston medical center on June 26, 2010


■中国新疆ウイグル自治区ウルムチ•トルファン/CHINA UIGHUR URUMUQI TOLUFAN


 ウルムチからトルファンに向かう途中に見えた天山山脈/Driving from Urumuqi to Tolufan,Tian Shan Mountains.

 Driving to Tolufan, There is many car accident by strong wind. And we ware safe

 トルファンの交河故城にて/at TOLUFAN

 ウルムチ 天山大峡谷/at Tan Shan Mountains near Urumuqi.

 随行者に英語で「He is beautiful boy」と言って少年の頭を撫でようとしたのだが静止された。

 これを現代化させることを私はユニバーサル アジアンデザイン•ニバーサル アジアンビューティと命名しようと思う。

 Xinjiang Urumuqi where I flew by air from Beijing for nearly four hours and arrived at.
 There was Uighur at unfamiliarity to live.
 If races are different, the culture differs greatly.
 It seemed to be Islam music hearing from everywhere and the houses along a city street visited it
 totally last yea Egypt.

 I can touch the Nature of Tian Shan if I leave Urumiqi by car for several hours.
 the desert where a tree just became the stone, a very large grassy plain, Uyghur and the Kazak, China are large.
 Their conversation is speech without having asked Japanese me.
 It seems to be Korean and is known like Turkish that came before when I hear it from far away.
 A boy of the Uyghur who had lovely eyes had it.
 I said "He is beautiful boy" to a person of attendance in English and was going to pat the head of the boy,
 but it was stood still.
 Because the act mentioned with a head to a person seems to mean that the devil dwells in them.
 It is possible to be surprised still more.
 A long time ago there were the succession and movement of the culture called the Silk Road which
 passed to several thousand kilos.
 It is the very romantic history, but the vigor state of many people is hidden there.
 I think of letting this modernize to name it universal Asian design or Univasal Asian Beauty.
 And I think of this to begin new movement as keyword in Beijing, Tokyo.

 I flew from Urumuqi to Beijing. And I am flying for Tokyo now and writing my blog. I will work again in Kanazawa.




 Seminar 798 Art District in Beijing. It is center for Chinese Contemporary Artr.

 北京倭福芳草地というランドマークプロジェクト模型/Model for Beijing Parkveiw Green Project

 ウイグル自治区ウルムチ/Uygur Wulmuqi




 I am i China from 23rd Beijing.from 25th WulumuqiI.
 China overflows in vigor now.
 Tokyo Tower and Roppongi Hills seem to be made at same time.
 The landmark project called the Beijing Parkveiw Green goes now.
 In the outskirts, an embassy and big commercial facilities stand, but,
 in the landmark institution where all was covered with glass,
 there will not be the large-scale landmark to here in Japan.
 Water always streams down covered glass, and 50% savings more than it become regural system in
 total in what is kept at constant temperature in whole year.
 A Chinese client thinks about participation in planning there, and I am in charge of a general design if decided,
 but it is a considerable competition rate now to be chosen from many applicants.
 It may be an ultimate thing of the Asian taste to find newness while I respect the Chinese history.
 I inspected many design hotels or clubs in Beijing, but I am too too much like China, and my client is not satisfied.
 It agrees with me.
 Asia was tight in Silk Road.
 It may be the Asian taste that they demand to let this modernize.
 I think the design which I who am a Japanese think about does the fresh cause to them,
 and to think so that I am accepted.
 Uighur Wulmuqi
 I am visiting Wulmuqi for the hope of the client in such a thing in a hurry.
 It may serve as a reference to have looked here.
 Universal Asian Design !
 I will think about it deeply.
 The prospect of the return home is not in sight till then when I can come back.


■金沢泉丘高校自転車乗車マナー指導/IZUMIGAOKA High School bicycle ride manner


 早朝の自転車乗車マナー指導/IZUMIGAOKA High School bicycle ride manner in early morning



 Ishikawa Prefectural IZUMIGAOKA High School bicycle ride manner guidance
 We gather in the High School front gate at 7:30 a.m.
 President Asada Hideo, students of the Public Safety Commission,
 the police person concerned and PTA officers and taught a bicycle manner.
 Large number of students went to school by bicycles while crossing the front gate and some pedestrian crossings.
 They exchange greetings to us brightly.
 Everybody watches it, or the manner to attend school is splendid.
 I have watched the interesting scene such as the joke.
 Crossed the way without a girl student crossing the pedestrian crossing,
 but a young teacher looks at it; and "come back"!
 she cried so.
 They already cross the way and are going to come back again.
 A teacher was earnest, but it was a certain warm love scene.
 Early in the morning, everyone, thank you.


■Japan Society Earle Joe氏が訪問Visiting Kanazawa and OHI MUSEUM


 2010/06/18 東京から金沢に戻り夕食会に合流した。左から原智氏、秋元雄史館長、私、板橋廣美氏、Joe Earle氏、
 I returned from Tokyo to kanazawa for the welcome dinner with Mr Hara Satoshi(metal artist),
 Mr Akimoto Yuji (president of Kanazawa 21st Museum), Mr Itahashi Hiromi (Clay Artist),
 Mr Joe Earle (vice prsident of Japan Society)

 2010/06/19 大樋美術館を訪問された左から秋元雄史館長、長左衛門、Joe Earle氏、私、鷲田めるろ氏/
 Mr Joe Earle (vice prsident of Japan Society) visited OHI MUSEUM with
 Mr Akimoto Yuji (president of Kanazawa 21st Museum), Mr Washida MERURO
 (Kanazawa 21st Museum Curator)

 Japan Society副会長 Earle Joe氏が金沢を訪問された。
 Earle Joe氏はイギリス ヴィクトリアアルバート美術館で主任学芸員として長く務めたキャリアをもつ。
 現在はNEW YORKにあるJapan Society GalleryのDIRECTORも担当されている。

 It was visited Kanazawa Mr. vice-chairperson at Japan Society Earle Joe.
 It is forced schedule only for 3 days, but it is a visit to Japan it features the theme of "iCraft arts or KOUGEI"
 as an allied enterprise of the Kanazawa world KOUGEI Triennale, and to give a lecture.
 Mr. Earle Joe has the career that he acted as as a chief curator for a long time in British Victoria & Albert
 Museum in London.
 It is the existence that is rare abroad specializing in Japanese Crafts.
 DIRECTOR of Japan Society Gallery in NEW YORK is in charge of now, too.
 We should refer to such an expertise so that the world sends Craft arts of Kanazawa.
 It was very significant time.


■藪内佐斗司 大樋年雄二人展/Exhibition with Mr Yabuuchi Satoshi


 藪内佐斗司 大樋年雄二人展 於 新宿京王百貨店 /
 Exhibition with Mr Yabuuchi satoshi at Tokyo Shinjuku Keio Department Store

 藪内佐斗司先生とともに / with Mr Yabuuchi satoshi



 After arrival to Tokyo Narita Air Port, I go to Shinjuku Keio Department Store promptly.
 I feel heavy at a body concerning difference in time.
 Two people exhibition with Mr. Yabuuchi who began on today.
 It was held by the plan of the art quotient who collected each other's works.
 The tea ceremony by the tea master is to be held at the same time every day, also.
 In a certain ability popular artist, the work of the Yabuuchi who was an art of Tokyo art university
 professor paid attention to me while respecting it from old days.
 I feel honored that an exhibition was held with such a wonderful artist.


■機中で観た映画 インビクタス/Movie Invictus in the flight




 It was draw Mandela who became the black first President in South Africa., but the figure which led a black
 discriminated against in liberation from apartheid, the white who seem to be expelled is beautiful.
 It was the drama which let you fuse while affirming the history and tradition not a black community
 discriminated against never fighting against the white society from the 27-year humiliating experience that
 I received terrorism handling, and was confined in prison.
 The figure solving a difficult problem to bend over athlete,
 own guards and home, him vividly is only a matter demanded from present Japan while the white is afraid
 of reform and aims at the society where the black retaliates.
 I gave the captain of the own country which won the championship at the World Cup carried out in South
 Africa the words of the blessing.
 I "thank for the effort for countries".
 And so that oneself mutters; "I thank you in what kind of God".
 I granted an unyielding soul.
 It is me to decide my fate.
 It was me or the beautiful scene to win my soul.
 As for this, all is true, and all is the figure of the person called Mandela.
 The original is the masterpiece which John Khan, Clint Eastwood dealt with.
 I intend to memorize this when I was interviewed from somewhere sometime.


■真夜中の成田/Middnight Narita Airport


 2010/06/12 00:40
 未だ飛行機の中でどうなるのか指示がないなかで真夜中の食事の機内風景 於 成田空港待機スポットにて
 While still having a midnight meal in an airplane; the scenery in the plane which waits for instructions while
 there is not it of instructions at waiting spot at Tokyo Narita Airport



 I am at the waiting spot of Tokyo Narita Airport which is why now.
 I finished writing blog before departure some time ago and should have become the person in the plane.
 What and a seat around 20 years before I looked after a long absence.
 22:00. It does not readily depart from spot, too.
 "The permission from a control tower was finally given to our plane".
 We go to the runway.
 And we wait.
 However, with an engine being still quiet.
 Come back to the spot that "engine abnormality returns to an instrument at the spot",
 and "leave for the runway again five minutes later because that there is not abnormality
 was confirmed";and agin wait 30 minutes all the time
 In "Narita Airport, it is limited a flight by night after 23:00".
 "The flight of today became the cancellation"
 I can not belive this!
 Will Japan be all right?
 Tokyo, the Narita Airport cannot fly in the center of Japan by the issue of noise by night.
 Such a situation is not thought about in a hub airport.
 Of course the noise is such a big problem for inhabitants.
 It is too far from Tokyo, and Narita Airport is not good of the reputation,
 but it is the fact that come until today without an old problem being yet solved.
 A splendid airport is already completed in Beijing, Seoul, Asia.
 Dark social conditions and Japan are left behind from the world.
 The newspaper and the television and politics are arguments of the bad-mouths.
 Each other praises it; think that social.
 It is a slow Japanese airline of the correspondence, but most passengers complain to nobody in Japanese.
 I do not understand it whether it is a good thing whether it is a bad thing.
 I will yet understand only the thing like the fresh start tomorrow at 09:00.


■日展金沢展ギャラリートーク/Nitten Kanazawa Exhibition Gallery Talk


 It was a day of the gallery talking of the Nitten Kanazawa exhibition today.
 I talked with Mr. Takekoshi Kazunori in an Ishikawa Prefectural art museum from 14:30.


 It was a day of the gallery talking of the Nitten Kanazawa exhibition today.
 I talked with Mr. Takekoshi Kazunori in an Ishikawa Prefectural art museum from 14:30.
 It was many people, but was able to see the people of my usual cheering party, too.
 I go to Komatsu in a dash at 15:30.
 I am in Narita now.
 And wait for an airplane of 22:00; became very convenient.
 I stay in Hawaii by some holidays and work and intend to go back to my own country with
 the big impression that an exhibition in Tokyo depends on again.
 Then because time approached,


■誕生日/My Birthday


 誕生日ケーキ/Birthday Cake
 The huge birthday cake from a certain person famous hotel in Kanazawa who arrived early in the
 morning designed it from my favorite car.
 I am very glad and it happens every year.


 It is the 52nd birthday today.
 Everybody says the same thing.
 It "is early that one year passes"

 There is that I feel it to be early elsewhere
 After being born; own life until today
 Since bought a new car; three years to car inspection
 Annual conventions costs such as gyms

 The return of the bank loan, the provision of the salary

 On the contrary, feeling it to be long
 The reencounter with a dear person
 Until I solve a difficult problem
 From a split-up to a settlement
 When each other's feelings left it
 One year from the violation ticket that what was particularly long was cut by a disagreeable police officer

 The common matter is early,
 and the meaning of the character to be busy that I may feel to be have a long that I am
 congenial can stream down it definitely when I think.
 The daughter (a niece) of the late younger sister goes back to her own country and stays in the house now.
 I went to the university of California, but looked like a younger sister more and more.
 I intend to live in given time from today carefully.
 A birthday.
 I received a lot of love.
 Though I was happy, did 52 years old get old?


■金沢今日会/Kanazawa Urasenke Konnichikai


 画賛を試みる坐忘斎御家元と十代長左衛門 於 大樋邸内茶室/
 working together by Urasenke Zabousai Grand Tea Master and Ohi Chozaemon Ⅹ at Ohi Tea House

 左から大谷浩己氏、伊住公一朗氏(故 伊住政和氏長男)講演する坐忘斎御家元,於 大樋美術館
 left Mr Otani Hiromi、Mr Izumi Koichiro(late Izumi Masakazu eldest son) ,
 and lecture by Urasenke 16th Grand Tea Master Zabousai at Ohi Museum

 裏千家調査役 大谷浩己氏、伊住公一朗氏(故 伊住政和氏長男)が同行され、夕食を共にさせて頂いた

 07:00 前日、かなり飲んだのだが我に返りながら早朝7時から白山神社での献茶式に臨んだ。
 16:00 献茶式を終えた裏千家坐忘斎御家元、大谷浩己氏、伊住公一朗氏を迎え、地元金沢の会員30名が芳土庵で茶会、
 18:30 料亭 大友楼で加賀料理を堪能したのだが、冒頭に坐忘斎御家元が今年から裏千家で仕事を始められた伊住公一朗氏を紹介された。
 故 伊住政和氏は私の盟友でもあった関係で長男である伊住公一朗氏は私には特別の存在でもある。

 May 25
 Tea offering to the gods in Hakusan Shrine of the next day,
 it was come to Kanazawa today Urasenke 16th Grand Tea Master Zabousai.
 Urasenke Assistant Director Mr Otani Hiromi, Izumi Koichiro I(the Mr. late Izumi Masakazu eldest son)
 were accompanied by and shared dinner.

 May 26
 I considerably drank, but faced the ceremony in the Hakusan Shinto shrine early in the morning .

 The grand Tea Master Zabousai finished the ceremony of ,
 Mr. Otani Hiromi, Izumi KoIchiro, and 30 members of local Kanazawa participated in a tea ceremony at Hodoan
 Tearoom and Ohi Museum.
 It was preached that it was the meaning of the way called the tea ceremony that I could not do even if only
 anything made an effort.

 I thoroughly enjoyed Kanazawa Style Dinner in a restaurant Otomo-Ro, also Mr Izumi Koichiro was introduced
 by Zabousai,he begun by work in the Urasenke from this year to the beginning.
 Mr Izumi KoIchiro which is the eldest son by the relations that Mr. late Izumi Masakazu was my sworn friend
 is special existence for me.
 When I heard his greetings, I have cried unintentionally.


■エルメス招待翌日/The day after Hermes Inviation


 左からエルメスジャポン執行役員 藤本幸三氏、多摩美大教授 鶴岡真弓さん、私、女優 山口智子さん。於 大樋美術館
 left HERMES operating officer Fujimoto KOZO,Tama Univ. of Arts professor Tsuruoka Mayumi ,
 myself,Actress Yamaguchi Tomoko at OHI Museum

 エルメス招待に参加した女優 山口智子さんは、以前に大樋美術館にも来られているのだが、

 招待側である執行役員 藤本幸三氏とは20年以上前からお目にかかっている。

 今回のエルメス招待で講演をした多摩美大教授 鶴岡真弓さん。


 Actress Yamaguchi Tomoko who participated in Hermes invitation can come to the OHI Museum before,
 and she has a long it and use my tea cup which demanded it then habitually.
 I see him with operating officer Kozo Fujimoto who is the invitation side for more than 20 years.
 It is come many times to Kanazawa, and it is this instigator recently.
 Tama Univ. of Arts professor Tsuruoka Mayumi who gave a lecture by this Hermes invitation.
 I saw her for the first time, but heard relations of the human and each culture with fascination.
 I guided these three people in in an Ishikawa Prefectural art museum with "a Nitten Kanazawa exhibition",
 "Kanazawa world industrial arts Triennale" in rifare and "OHI Museum" from the afternoon.
 The lingering sound of a splendid event of the day before was left, and the conversation of four people
 was a very creative thing throughout.
 And I promised a reencounter in Tokyo.


■エルメス招待/Hermes Japon Invitation


 エルメス ジャポンは、毎年必ず日本のどこかでコアになる人々を招きテーマに沿ったイベントを開催してきている。

 シンプルに5月24日にHERMES INVITATIONとあるだけで、メモに13時にしいのき迎賓館にお越し下さい。


  「もちろん、全てにご参加ください。、、、、、 」







 Hermes Japon invite core people in every year wherever of Japan,
 and Hermes japon holds the event along the theme.
 It was invited the fashion-related chief editors, but it has been held the year before last mainly
 in Kyoto in Shanghai, last year.
 And it will be opened this year in Kanazawa.
 A letter of invitation arrived for my cause.
 It was simple, and there is only it with HERMES INVITATION on May 24, and please move to the
 Shinoki Guesthouse in a memo at 13:00.
 HERMES Japon gave a telephone to me beforehand, but I was said only participated from lunch then,
 and being over was only that it was at midnight.
 When there was a question to a letter of invitation, the cell-phone number of the person in charge was only written.

 I hear it from lunch, but what will happen to the supper?

 "Of course please participate in all, it is ""

 "What is there between to supper after lunch was over?"

 HERMES company
 ",,,,,,," which is a secret"

 Do the other people hear nothing?

 HERMES company
 There "may be" it

  "I will visit anyway"

 I visited at the Shiinoki Guesthouse at 13:00 on May 24
 An ambassadress, an actor, an actress, a person concerned with media, there was me in that.
 There is none of the people from Kanazawa.
 The event, the restaurant, the event in the teahouse street that I used Kanazawa for to the full
 were finished at midnight.
 Hermes Corporation who they gathered a certain approximately 120 influence people from
 all over the world, and introduced Kanazawa.
 It was the opportunity when this event based on investigation many times in Kanazawa was very
 important for me.
 "Kanazawa reconsideration"
 I was able to understand the meaning of the letter of invitation later.
 There is whom, and what is warm!
 It may enable a big thing to make a secret.
 It intends to wait to show late photograph and that I met.


■ポールボキューズ夕食会/Paul Bocuse Invited dinner


 Mr. Paul Bocuse is 84-year-old entrusted Hiroyuki Hiramatsu, and a restaurant started in
 Kanazawa Shiinoki Guesthouse. A dinner party with two people sponsoring it was opened.


 1階は私の作品なども飾られている/The first floor is displayed in my works

 二人が主催しての夕食会が開かれたのだが、北國新聞社長 飛田秀一氏の呼びかけで谷本石川県知事、



 Mr. Paul Bocuse is 84-year-old entrusted Hiroyuki Hiramatsu, and a restaurant started in Kanazawa.
 A dinner party with two people sponsoring it was opened, Ishikawa prefectural governor Mr Tanimoto ,
 Mayor of kanazaqwa Mr Yamade , Kanazawa chamber of commerce director Mr Miyama and 40 people including
 were invited by an appeal of Hokkoku newspaper president MrTobita Hidekazu .
 shiinoki guesthouse was former Ishikawa Government building, and a renovation did there, and an old
 governor room became the restaurant.
 It was the room which came time and time again, but there became few features in old days.
 According to the explanation of the Governor Tanimoto,
 it seems to be left as a record to have been built on June 8, 1924.
 The age differed, but was surprised at being my birthday and same June 8.
 This former Government building that will be to have accumulated how much history.
 30 tenement houses were repaired, and the night view seems to have become the new sightseeing base beautifully.
 The first floor is displayed in my works, and, in gallery GIO,
 the sale of a chosen crafts art object under Ishikawa is carried out.


■フランス•アジア移動大使来宅/Ambassador France Jacques and tita Valade visited


 フランス•アジア移動大使来宅/Ambassador France Jacques and Tita Valade visited

 そのためにJacques Valade大使夫妻もお越しになられていて、工芸に興味があるということで立ち寄られた。


 Japan and France local government interchange meeting is held in Kanazawa.
 Therefore Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Valade French Ambassador was in Kanazawa and visited Ohi Museum.
 They were interested in crafts arts.
 France makes much of Asian countries, and there is an embassy in each country, and,
 according to the ambassador, the ambassador lets you appoint it, but, as for him,
 it is appointed the Asia roving ambassador as a situation unifying them.
 They were interested in crafts arts and they knew a lot about the crafts arts circumstances of each
 Asian country and had talk in various ways.
 They sheared tea in tea-ceremony room "hodoan" by my mother after visited Ohi Museum.


■EUふみの会/Memory for 2001 EU TRIP with Ms.Kimura Fumi


 Former Ishikawa Government building made refurbishing becomes "the shiinoki guesthouse" and,
 in the Governor of former Ishikawa room, it is with a French restaurant as "PAUL Bocuse*HIRAMATSU".

 集まったEUふみの会の皆様。/gathered all 2001 EU TRIP member.


 新装された元石川県庁舎が「しいのき迎賓館」となり、そして元石川県知事室は「PAUL Bocuse•HIRAMATSU」

 The people whom the Ishikawa traditional industry engaged now in with the Governor Tanimoto Ishikawa,
 Miss Kimura Fumi who was space adviser nine years ago inspected it with Germany,
 Denmark, the U.K. and traveled.
 A thing at that time becomes the edge and becomes the place where everybody gathers every year,
 and each other exchanges opinions.
 Former Ishikawa Government building made refurbishing becomes "the shiinoki guesthouse" and,
 in the Governor of former Ishikawa room, it is with a French restaurant as "PAUL Bocuse*HIRAMATSU".
 It seemed to be feeling infinitude for the governor at a good old place.


■金沢世界工芸トリエンナーレ開幕/First International Triennale of Kogei Kanaawa


 金沢世界工芸トリエンナーレ開会式/First International Triennale of Kogei Kanaawa Opening Ceremony
 中央に長左衛門、山出金沢市長/in the center Ohi Chozaemon,mayor Yamade Tamotsu

 私が提案した架空庵茶室/KA-KU-AN Tea Room

 今回のために考案した金箔立礼卓/Gold Leaf Tea Table

 panel discussion by 5 curators( Mr Ito Junji,Mr Kaneko Kenji who is an art commentator,
 Mr. Akimoto Yuji is Kanazawa the 21st century art museum director,
 Mr Cang Ching Yuen (Taiwan) is clay artist, and myself) at Kanazawa 21st Century Museum

 in the friend who sleeps from participant to attend (lough)

 after dinner with special guest Mr Nakada Hidetoshi and Mr ito Junji

 金沢21世紀美術館館長 秋元雄史がプロ デューサーとなって5人のキュレターを指名した。
 キュレターとなったのは、美術評論家である伊東順二氏、金子賢治氏、金沢21世紀美術館館長 秋元雄史氏、




 Kanazawa 21st century museum director AkimotoYuji became the producer and appointed curator of five people.

 Mr Ito Junji,Mr Kaneko Kenji who is an art commentator,
 Mr. Akimoto Yuji is Kanazawa the 21st century art museum director,
 Mr Cang Ching Yuen (Taiwan) is clay artist, and myself.
 Each curator chooses approximately ten artists, and tenkan does one point of best work (5/8-16) in the
 Kanazawa 21st century art museum and announce the work of artists chosen in rifare (5/8-6/20) which is the other
 exhibition place by direction of each curator.
 The notable thing was rifare exhibition place, but the space that was a bookstore became vacant for two years,
 and it was accompanied with the activation of a new town to utilize the space.
 NENDO which was space designer designed it in the space that became the gallery, but, in five curator,
 the suggestion to direct the space given was interesting while installing five big greenhouses.
 I assumed that I held an imaginary tea ceremony in an aerial tea-ceremony room between the given space.
 The following sentences are extracts from an exhibition catalogue.

 遠い昔を思い起こせば、人の出会いはまさに「一期一会」で あり、故に茶室「床」には「消息」という手紙らしきものが

 Thoughts on the Chakai-Ki and our 10 Selected Artists
 Ohi Toshio
 For centuries, the tradition of “chakai-ki” (tea ceremony records) has been practiced in Japan.
 Written therein are the date and time, place, tea wares used, cuisine served,
 and the persons attending a certain tea ceremony. In the days of old,
 an encounter between persons was an “ichigo-ichie” (one lifetime, one meeting) experience,
 and a “shosoku” or written letter mounted on a hanging scroll would be displayed in a tea ceremony
 room in order to convey the host’s message. The people of the past, unlike us today,
 did not have airplanes or bullet trains to meet one another, and had no way to audio-record or
 video-tape what had actually transpired. Yet because our forefathers lived in an age without such media,
 it was only natural that they wished to leave a written record for memory’s sake. While revering these
 fleeting encounters, the knowledge and understanding of the proverb “onko-chishin”
 (reviewing the past to understand the new) may teach us the reason why a sense of spirituality
 was instilled in the tea bowl and other forms of tea wares.
 To welcome important guests who have traveled from afar, the “host” of a “tea ceremony” would,
 through much trial and error, attempt to give his or her guests the utmost in “hospitality.” It was unquestionably
 an innovative act, then, for a host to commission “tea wares” from “craftsmen” to newly impress upon his guests,
 as was the act of “selecting” utilitarian vessels for daily life from Korea, China and Southern Asia and using
 them as tea bowls and fresh water jars for use in the tea ceremony. And if the tea ceremony provided the
 opportunity for a host to express one’s thoughts and ideals, this meant that deeply important was a host’s
 “spirituality” that could help support one’s aesthetics. In this light, the teachings of Buddhism,
 Taoism and Confucianism as learned from China would be adopted into Japanese feng shui,
 and would ultimately be used to build the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto. Our deep reverence towards
 these religious attitudes would lead to the birth of the Way of Tea, and it could be said that such is a foundation
 for the Japanese culture we have today.

 From Japanese gardens to the various aspects of a tea room, there is deep and peculiar meaning
 behind their respective vocabularies. The “toro” (lantern), “kekkai” (partition), and the “toko” (alcove) all contain
 elements of installation-type functionality. And it is said that the hosts of old would draw water from mountain
 streams thought to be spiritually close to Shinto gods or Buddhist deities for use in such tea ceremony vessels
 as “tsukubai” (squat jar), “mizusashi” (fresh water jar) and “kama” (iron kettle).

 Today, where are we Japanese going? We conveniently travel with ease on useful public transportation systems,
 yet fail to express our gratitude towards and leave behind the people we just met. And the Way of Tea?
 Tradition? Crafts? Have we forgotten the original meaning behind these things?

 Often, we easily cast away these notions with the word “old.” In the world of fine art and crafts, it seems as if the
 word is used as a form of prejudice towards things we have become bored of seeing. However,
 traditional craft art should be something that tries to overcome this world of prejudice.
 The proverb “onko-chishin” can teach us this.

 What do we mean by the word “new?” It seems as if it is often said in praise of a reform-minded person,
 but is this really so? Isn’t the word just an easy excuse for those who cannot understand the meaning of “old?”
 Is it not that only those who fully understand the truth that lies in the past can have their actions considered as
 “new?” By striving for the “new,” we can pass on the traditions of learning the old, as represented by “onko-chishin,”
 to future generations who will build the future foundations of Japanese culture.


■エルメス職人の文化交流/The cultural exchange of the Hermes craftsman


 エルメス上級職人であるJocelyne Zerbib女史との交流。北國新聞、北陸放送から取材を受けた
 Interchange with Jocelyne Zerbib Ms. who is Hermes upper grade craftsman.
 I was interviewed from Hokkoku newspaper, Hokuriku Broadcasting

 2010/05/08 北國新聞朝刊(18) Hokkoku News Paper

 エルメス上級職人であるJocelyne Zerbib女史の表敬を受けた。

 I received courtesy of Ms.Jocelyne Zerbib. who was Hermes upper grade craftsman.
 In the city, there are many events to be concerned with France by the relations that
 Japan and France meeting is to be held soon in Kanazawa.
 Hermes Japan is to perform the public workshop by the senior craftsman.
 I saw successive works in tea bowl making, seeing Ohi generations work in Ohi Museum
 and had experience tea ceremony in a tea room [HODOAN].
 It was to be a craftsman, or it was made a tea bowl with a feeling-related rich skillfully.
 "traditional Hermes and traditional Ohi Ware received the coverage from news from Hokuriku
 Broadcasting 18:00 and Hokkoku newspaper as interchange".
 It was a very honored event.


■金箔•銀箔立礼卓を考案/Gold leaf and Silver leaf Tea Ceremony Table


 考案した金沢箔の立礼卓/ I devised Kanazawa Gold leaf and silver Leaf table used for tea ceremony.

 北國新聞朝刊に箔一浅野社長とともに掲載される/Hokkoku News Paper with Hakuichi President Asano.




 Kanazawa world Crafts Triennale is started on May 8.
 I am to participate as Curator.
 Therefore I devised table used for tea ceremony.
 It was a production center of the leaf,
 and Kanazawa developed an available thing as interior while using gold leaf and silver leaf.
 I may become one example which applied a craft of Kanazawa to our society of the present age.
 There are many people enjoying tea ceremony.
 However, the tea ceremony of such a form may become more and more necessary for the people
 who cannot sit down on a tatami mat from now on.
 I want to tell "Hakuichi Co" President Asano who produced this willingly about thanks deeply.




 夜、BOSTON SOUTH STATIONにある時計の真上に月が照っていた。時を確かめ合うかのような、不思議な光景だった。
 The moon shined right above a clock in BOSTON SOUTH STATION at night. It was a mysterious scene as if it
 made sure of time for each other.

 真夜中のBOSTON SAUTH STATION。まるで演劇の世界だ。
 [BOSTON STATION in the middle of night] it looked like Drama scene.

 I tried to be one of actor of this drama scene

 夜、BOSTON SOUTH STATIONにある時計の真上に月が照っていた。

 Boston UNIVERSITY大学院で学ぶことになり
 RICHARD HIRSCH教授に出会い、私の人生が拓かれた。



 The moon shined right above a clock in BOSTON SOUTH STATION at night.
 It was a mysterious scene as if it made sure of time for each other.

 I visited to Boston with father who objected to studying abroad, a late younger sister in old days so as to lose
 consciousness 30 years ago.
 In the winter when a freeway, downtown, downtown were full of construction, and the daylight hours were short,
 it was cold without what it experienced.
 I would learn in Boston UNIVERSITY graduate school and met Professor RICHARD HIRSCH and my life was opened up.
 It is the time when it is important for me for four years of feelings.

 The so construction was over recently following eternity.
 LOGAN Airport, downtown, all were replaced with a new one.
 Chinatown had the restaurant called Kyoto.
 There was full of many people on Saturday, Sunday.
 The name changes, and how will the familiar waiter be now?
 I write it newly, and my memory is changed

 The private exhibition in the BOSTON city hall was big experience first as a artist.
 I drop in at the place by all means, but there are oneself present, that oneself then, oneself reflecting in a heart.


■ボストンでの茶道/BOSTON The Way of Tea


 昭和女子大学BOSTONキャンパス Perira Glen 宗麗氏が茶会を催した。
 Perira Glenは私が留学していた頃からの友人であり、京都の裏千家今日庵で学んだ本格派だ。
 Showa Women's University BOSTON campus Perira Glen Sourei held a tea ceremony.
 It is a friend from the time when I studied Boston, and Perira Glen is the person of Urasenke School
 that he learned today in a hermitage of Kyoto.

 Palmer Allan 宗清氏。Glenの茶会の後に、彼が自宅で茶でもてなしてくれた。
 Palmer Allanは京都裏千家での30年の経験があり、昔は鵬雲斉大宗匠に仕え世界中を共に旅した大茶人でもある。
 中央の女性は弘田 佳代子さん(ニューヨーク事務長兼駐在講師)右は教え子のPreston Saunders。
 After a tea ceremony of Glen, he treated me with tea at home.
 I admired his smart arrangement using a water container for the tea ceremony and the tea bowl which
 I made in studying Boston those days.Palmer Allan has worked the experience of 30 years in the person of
 Kyoto Urasenke and wit great grand master Hounsai in old days, and took a trip to the world together.
 in the center Miss Hirota Kayoko(NY Urasenke Instructor) and right my former student Preston Saunders

 I admired his smart arrangement using a water container for the tea ceremony and the tea bowl which
 I made in studying Boston those days.

 長い間、ハーバード大学や、CHILDREN MUSEUMにある茶室で茶道を教えている。
 Rodgers Aiko is mother of my BOSTON. She teach tea ceremony in
 CHILEREN MUSEUM and Harvard University which came for a long time.


 4月25日 日曜日 茶会に招かれた。

 長い間、ハーバード大学や、朝に訪れたCHILEREN MUSEUMにある茶室で茶道を教えている。

 Perira Glen 宗麗氏が茶会を催した。
 Perira Glenは私が留学していた頃からの友人であり、京都の裏千家今日庵で学んだ本格派だ。

 Palmer Allan 宗清氏
 Palmer Allanは京都裏千家での30年の経験があり、昔は鵬雲斉大宗匠に仕え世界中を共に旅した大茶人でもある。


 I come to BOSTON from 24th.
 As for the fatigue of the private exhibition in Tokyo, a large department was cured.
 I visit the art gallery which is the relationship of the old friend and spoke the future,
 but New York is the same thing, the attention that was not past seems to begin to be gathered for the
 craft (JAPAN KOGEI) while it is in bad times.
 I was invited to the tea ceremony on Sunday on April 25.
 There is considerably people wanting to be tea ceremony in BOSTON.
 It is the people who are important for me.

 Rodgers Aiko is mother of my BOSTON.
 She teach tea ceremony in CHILEDREN MUSEUM which came for a long time in Harvard University.
 I was surprised that the people of the coterie which learned increased very much.

 Showa Women's University BOSTON campus
 Perira Glen Sourei held a tea ceremony.
 The thick tea, the weak tea, the cake were very delicious with his handmade.
 It was the high level that a student of the company nearly 20 showed tea ceremony procedures,
 It is a friend from the time when I studied Boston, and Perira Glen is the person of
 Urasenke School that he learned today in a hermitage of Kyoto.
 He did my haircut from old days, but may not be necessary now?

 Palmer Allan Sosei House
 After a tea ceremony of Glen, he treated me with tea at home.
 It seem to totally live by the design that all home was based on tea ceremony in a tea-ceremony room.
 I admired his smart arrangement using a water container for the tea ceremony and the tea bowl which
 I made in studying Boston those days.
 Palmer Allan has worked the experience of 30 years in the person of Kyoto Urasenke and wit great grand
 master Hounsai in old days, and took a trip to the world together.

 A person of tea ceremony exists in this way while BOSTON is U.S.A.
 While the American coexists, the Japanese including HARVARD University, MIT,
 a professor person and the student learns.
 There are the four seasons, and there is tradition of U.S.A.,
 and there is the history of the interchange with Japan for a long time, too.
 I who was able to live in such a place feel like having been able to learn Japan while being affected by them.


■ニューヨーク/New York


 4月23日、日米(東京—New York)陶芸展がNew York (日本ギャラリー•日本クラブ)で開催された。
 On April 23, a Japan-U.S. (Tokyo - New York) ceramic Competition was held in New York
 (Japan gallery in Japan club).

 審査員はDavid Mcfadden氏(New York Museum of Arts and Design主任学芸員)
 Mr. Halsey and Mrs.Alice North(コレクター)、
 The judge is Mr. David Mcfadden (New York Museum of Arts and Design chief curator)
 Mr. Halsey and Mrs. Alice North ( collector), Mr. Murase Miyeko (professor emerita at Columbia University * former
 Metropolitan Museum of Art Japan art Special Consultant),
 Doi Shinichi (former Metropolitan Museum of Art coservator) and every time,I am invited it as a special judge.

 授賞式は日本國総領事館 西宮伸一大使などの出席もあり、盛大に日本クラブで行われた。私は審査員として総評をさせて頂いた。
 There was the attendance such as Japanese consulate general Ambassador Nishinomiya Shinichi,,
 and the award ceremony was performed grandly in a Nippon club. I did the general comment as a judge.

 初めて体験したI Pad 凄い。早くほしい
 I Pad which I experienced for the first time is terrible.I want it early

 4月23日、日米(東京—New York)陶芸展がNew York (日本ギャラリー•日本クラブ)で開催された。
 審査員はDavid Mcfadden氏(New York Museum of Arts and Design主任学芸員)
 Mr. Halsey and Mrs.Alice North(コレクター)、村瀬実恵子氏(コロンビア大学名誉教授•元メトロポリタン美術館日本美術特別顧問)、

 授賞式は日本國総領事館 西宮伸一大使などの出席もあり、盛大に日本クラブで行われた。
 そして関係者の方々と遅くまでNew Yorkの摩天楼で語り明かした。

 New Yorkへは20日から来ているのだが、評価の高いギャラリーオーナーやコレクターとお会いすることもできた。
 今後のNew Yorkでの活動が新たなものになりそうな気がしている。
 また、New Yorkの裏千家で茶道を学ぶ友人達に常に守られていることはありがたい。

 そして大切な友人である中国詩人范学宣氏が北京で大切なプロジェクトを立ち上げるために時を同じくしてNew Yorkにやってきた。

 On April 23, a Japan-U.S. (Tokyo - New York) ceramic Competition was held in New York
 (Japan gallery in Japan club).Perhaps there is not the open call for art competition such as Japan in U.S.A.
 However, this open call for participants exhibition keeps a high standard because there is the exhibition of the
 artist who is already collected in U.S.A. and the Japanese art museum.

 The judge is Mr. David Mcfadden (New York Museum of Arts and Design chief curator)
 Mr. Halsey and Mrs. Alice North ( collector), Mr. Murase Miyeko (professor emerita at Columbia University * former
 Metropolitan Museum of Art Japan art Special Consultant),
 Doi Shinichi (former Metropolitan Museum of Art coservator) and every time,I am invited it as a special judge.
 There was the attendance such as Japanese consulate general Ambassador Nishinomiya Shinichi,,
 and the award ceremony was performed grandly in a Nippon club. I did the general comment as a judge.
 I wonder if other judges are not same as Japan as for what learned seriously for different scenes while encountering
 a crossfire from a prize winner in the gallery.
 And I talked all night with people concerned at a skyscraper of New York till late.

 I came to New York from 20th, but was able to meet the high gallery owner and collector of the evaluation.
 Activity in future New York feels new.
 In addition, I am thankful for what is always followed by friends learning New York Urasenke in a person.
 I realize it whenever I come.

 And Chinese Poem Write Sun Light (Fan Xue yi) which was an important friend gave a important project in Beijing,
 I shared time and did it in New York.
 Each other creates the world while doing a trip, but wants to value the relations as an important partner.


■鳩山首相主催 桜を観る会/Invited Cherry Blossom Viewing Party by Prim Minister Hatoyama


 桜を観る会を催した鳩山首相/Cherry Blossom Viewing Party by Prim Minister Hatoyama

 41年ぶりの遅い春の雪、やがて青空に/never have snow at this time since 41 years and turned blue sky




 Snowy day of the spring that it was 41 years,The Cherry Blossom Viewing Party was hosted by the
 Prime Minister Hatoyama in Shinjuku Imperial garden..
 Snowy day because named [Yukio] Yuki means snow and began snow and chilly rain,
 but the rain gradually went up it, and it was with a blue sky.
 While a cabinet minister informed it of the specially installed sidewalk which an invited guest surrounded,
 Hatoyama prime minister who appeared last was special.

 "Prime Minister" and everybody appeal for as for me in reservedly" Prime Minister!"
 I have appealed for to unintentionally.

 The Prime Minister who had considerably advanced came back in the crowd who was accompanied with several
 folds by having noticed me.
 Please "sponsor it next year" and ",,,,,,,Thanks" it did not have the correct answer to connections,
 but wants to expect it as a friend.

 Daily life while I endure the hard work that nobody can know is the work of the prime minister,
 but I think until time to be able to heal it sometime comes to wait quietly.

 In the old days that we do not know who becomes what,
 High school an university in Tokyo, Boston in the graduate school.
 for school days and laughs and spends unforgettable time.
 The person that both a politician and the bureaucrat live for culture does not have a fence in old days either.
 A friend assists it in friends eventually.
 I believe it.
 Do the best for Japan. Prime Minister Hatoyama,


■東京日本橋三越個展/Tokyo Niponbashi Mitsukoshi Exhibition


 山出保金沢市長/Mayor Yamade tamotsu visited

 裏千家鵬雲斉大宗匠、宮田亮平東京藝術大学学長/Urasenke Great Grand Tea Master Dr Hounsai
 and President of Tokyo National University of Art Mr Miyata Ryohei visited

 俳優 片岡鶴太郎氏/Actor Kataoka Tsurutaro visited

 友人で俳優の辰巳啄郎氏/friend Actor Tatsumi Takuro visited

 三越のスタッフのみなさん/Mitsukoshi Stuff


 I held a private exhibition in Nihonbashi, Tokyo Mitsukoshi Main Store from 7th to 13th of April.
 I write this sentence while I intended to have expected it for energy, or it was attacked by lassitude.

 Every day was the continuation of thanks during a exhibition.
 With the crowd of people from morning to evening and many works will leave my cause.
 Even if it is collector from New York, Beijing, Hong Kong and other countries, wherever,
 the supported circumstances are really happy even if it is always the social conditions that a
 person supporting it has difficulty with.
 Perhaps I may write it for joy again because the most of a person reading this blog are such a various places.

 13th 16:00 when a private exhibition was over.A man to embrace from my rear.
 It is friend, Tatsumi tatsuko.
 "Toshi, ne which were over.fatigue"
 "The feeling, last day of a performance of the play are the same, too"
 I kept drinking with him until an early morning!

 In addition, I intend to create works with a new feeling.
 Thank you very much, everyone.I talk about thanks heartily.


■故 大角勲先生の通夜/A wake of Okado Isao sensei






 Okado Isao sensei died.
 While it was fought against illness all the time,
 it was a master craftman skill made the powerful work in honesty good faith till the last.
 Even if it says that Takaoka city in Toyama Pref accomplished big development by industrial arts
 molding activity by "the metalworking" of Mr. Okado as a production center of the copper utensil,
 it is not exaggeration.
 My father Ohi Chozaemon was the sworn friend who was active together as association of Nitten and Japan
 Contemporary Crafts and Artist association with Mr. Okado. andhe was main attendnce,
 but it seemed to be a complicated state of mind for him.
 A certificate of merit when it was won Japa Art Academy Prize in 2003 was displayed in the meeting place.
 I think of 69 years old to be the short life, but want to show respect for the Okado art that reached it.
 Okado Sensei I pray its soul may rest in peace.


■伊左治博子さんの茶事に招かれて/invited Tea Ceremony by Mrs.Isaji Hiroko


 Nagoya-jo Castle of the early morning when I looked from the hotel where I stayed at on the day before.
 The cherry trees were in full blossom.

 伊左治博子さんの点前/Tea making by Mrs.Isaji Hiroko

 A garden of the design Isaji house in Nagoya which I supervised. I direct depth using a mirror glass on the back.



 It dated back to two years ago before now, but has visited the home of Isaji in Nagoya.
 I have just asked about a story by time adjusted a garden, and I will just supervise a design.
 Thereafter I would visit it several times and tried the landscape gardening as the concept in
 "be possible old style tea ceremony in modern life space".
 And, for approximately two years, it was completed at last
 I feel like having shown the ideal method of new tea life in the future for the formal tea ceremony by Mrs.Isaji Hiroko.
 I invited it, and thank you.


■香港より簡永楨(Richard W.C.Kan)氏来宅/Mr.Richard W.C.Kan visited from Hong Kong


 香港より簡永楨氏来宅/Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.C.Kan visited from Hong Kong

 中国有数の工芸コレクターである簡永楨(Richard W.C.Kan)氏夫妻が来宅した。

 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.C.Kan which was chinese Crafts collector visited home.
 It was an introduction of Mr. Noritaka Tange who was a friend.
 And they compared some of OHI MUSEUM collections with their collection while watching the exhibitions such as
 "Henan tea bowl" "leaf tenmoku tea bowls" They were quite good having a practised eye.
 I promised a reencounter in Hong Kong this time.


■台湾故宮美術館館長 林曼麗氏一行来宅/

Taiwanese old palace Museum director Lin Man Li visited


 台湾故宮美術館館長 林曼麗氏(私の右側)と台湾からのコレクターの皆様。
 Taiwan Old palace Museum director Lin Man Li (left from me) and art collectors from Taiwan visited the Ohi Museum.

 台北にある故宮博物館館長 林曼麗氏(私の右側)と台湾からのアートコレクターの皆様が大樋美術館を訪れた。



 Taiwan Old palace Museum director Lin Man Li and art collectors from Taiwan visited the Ohi Museum.

 As for me, relations with Taiwan are close. Because there is the friend of an important ceramist Chan Ching Yuen,
 I am visiting professor of Tainan university of fine arts by him.
 I have held a private exhibition in [Fu gui Tao Yuan] gallery in Taipei.
 I also take a trip to Taiwan so as not to be able to count it.
 This group does a trip to visit only art.

 I pray to become the memory in Kanazawa whom a stay in my home has good.



The 1st Kanazawa world Crafts Triennale holding Committee


 2010/03/29 10:00
 金沢市役所において山出保 金沢市長、森源二 副市長、大樋長左衛門開催委員会会長が出席した開催委員会が開かれた。
 the held committee meeting where Mayor of Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu , deputy mayor Mori Genji ,
 Chairperson at Ohi Chozaemon holding Committee attended at in KanazawaCity Hall

 2010/03/29 11:30
 Mr. Akimoto Yoji (Director Kanazawa the 21st century art museum ,director of Kanazawa world Crafts Triennale)
 and Ohi Chozaemon(Chairperson of this comittee, president of Kanazawa City Crafts Council) had
 news release in the press club in the Kanazawa City hall.

 2010/03030 北國新聞(朝刊)The Hokkoku Newspaper

 金沢市役所において山出保 金沢市長、森源二 副市長、大樋長左衛門開催委員会会長が出席した開催委員会が開かれ、

 1997年金沢市は金沢市工芸協会(大樋長左衛門 会長、中川 衛 理事長、大樋年雄 副理事長)の発案によって

 ディレクターである秋元雄史 金沢21世紀美術館館長より、私も一人のキュレターとして選出されており、


 Kanazawa world Crafts Triennale is held around Kanazawa the 21st century Museum of arts from
 May 8 to June 20.It was opened, and the held committee meeting where Mayor of Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu ,
 deputy mayor Mori Genji , Chairperson at Ohi Chozaemon holding Committee attended at in KanazawaCity Hall
 was voted for by the agreement of each committee.
 Kanazawa performed "worldCrafts city declaration" by the unanimous agreement of the Kanazawa-shi assembly
 by a suggestion of Kanazawa City Crafts council (Chairperson Ohi Chozaemon , the Nakagawa Mamoru chief
 director, the Ohi Toshio vice-chief director) in 1997.
 We were active afterward while sending "Kanazawa world Crafts competition" "Kanazawa world Crafts forums"
 to the world.The Kanazawa world Crafts Triennale succeeded to these progressively.
 I am pointed than the director as one curator in this occasion by Kanazawa the 21st century Museum
 of arts presiden Akimoto Yuji. I want to wrestle as a artist seriously.
 I attach reported contents

 参考:第1回金沢・世界工芸トリエンナーレ http://www.kogei.bp-musashi.jp


■第49回日本現代工芸美術展/The 49th Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Conpetition


 前列3人目が三谷吾一先生(日本芸術院会員)4人目が秋元雄史氏(金沢21世紀美術館館長)於 東京會間
 All Ishikawa Division from accepted member for The 49th Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts
 Conpetition at Tokyo Kaikan.

 現代工芸美術作家協会総会 於 東京都美術館
 Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Association general Meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum.

 出品作 雪山の器「Snowy Mountain Footsteps」


 Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Competition began this year at Tokyo Metropolitan Museum..
 Even if it says that it makes Japanese arts and crafts, and it gave this exhibition which accumulated the history
 of 49 times for half a century, it is not exaggeration.
 main exhibition is to be held as 50 times of memory exhibition next year in Kanazawa 21st Century Museum.




 2010/03/23 日展石川会発会 北國新聞社本社20階/
 中央左 北國新聞社取締役社長 飛田秀一氏 中央右 大樋長左衛門
 Center left Hokkoku Newspaper president Mr Tobita Hidekazu and center right Ohi Chozaemon



 It belongs to Nitten(The Japan Fine Arts Exhibit
 (Western-style painting; Japanese style painting ; sculpture; craft ; calligraphy)
 by those who live Ishikawa Prefecture.

 President of Hokkoku Newspaper Mr Tobita Hidekazu becomes president of this organization and
 Ohi Chozaemon becomes chairman.

 I am also attending for this organization to be member.


■裏千家青年部全国大会/The 15th Urasenke Youth Division National Convention


 2010/03/20 裏千家青年部全国大会前夜祭/Festival at previous night

 There is an acquaintance with Glen Pereira from the age of the Boston going abroad to study.
 It is a chance exactly meeting.

 会議場を埋めてしまう参加者/It is a participant and the convention hall



 The 15th Urasenke Youth Division National Convention was held in the
 Kyoto Takaragaike international congress center.
 The convention was gathered about 2600 people from all area from Japan.
 And Chisinkai (over 50 yaears,and past national member of youth division)
 held tea ceremony for this convention by my tea bowl.


■卯辰山工芸工房修了式/Graduation of Kanazawa Utatsuyama Crafts Center


 Graduation of Kanazawa Utatsuyama Crafts Center



 The Kanazawa Utatsuyama craft Center is for the trainee crafts expenses and it is not a school.
 Also there is stuff for the center but they are not a teaching job.
 The trainee receives free making time without paying expenses, and it is possible to work diligently,
 and the life assistance every month can be received.
 Therefore, there are a lot of applications from the whole country and abroad.
 Trainee such as graduates such as the Tokyo College of Art, Kyoto City University of Fine Arts,
 Osaka University of Arts, local, Kanazawa College of Fine and Crafts, and Kanazawa Gakuin Universities or
 those who end the graduate school learns while mutually competing each other.

 The Kanazawa city has promoted many artist at the next generation while offering the young person
 such an environment.
 The activity of the trainee who started for the remarkable and to shoulder the craft in the future.
 I will serve as the lecturer at first of the establishment, and am a witness of foundation active of them.
 An excellent trainee are finished in this year gain.


■四代徳田八十吉襲名披露宴/Succession to the 4th Tokuda Yasokichi


 四代徳田八十吉襲名披露宴でのあいさつ 小松サンルートホテルにて
 Succession to the 4th Tokuda Yasokichi and her speech

 四代 徳田八十吉がんばれ!

 Tokuda Junko succeeded to the name of 4th generation Tokuda Yasokichi.
 The 3rd generation was the important intangible cultural heritage last August, and she continues her family.
 It must a be big decision to her.

 Tokuda family is sharing very important history for the Kutani ware.
 Also my family is very much related with Tokuda family since long time.

 I hope she will be one of the best generation for her family.


■金沢泉丘高等学校卒業式/Kanazawa Izumigaoka High School graduation ceremony


 I attend at Kanazawa Izumigaoka High School graduation ceremony as Director of PTA





 My eldest son graduated from this high school, but he already becomes a junior in college.
 The passage of time is an early thing.
 The second son is registered at the same high school now.
 I let you act as a PTA director of the twice with a the eldest son and this second son .
 In fact, I learn most in that.

 It may be to be a place to learn even if the school is a teacher, a student, parents, either situation.
 Respecting one in the teaching profession with "a teacher" and the parent having been said to be the
 mirror of the child. I think These idea is basic for education.
 However, the parent who grew up into overprotection brings up an unreasonable child these days, and,
 as for the result, it is with an everyday newspaper article. The teacher will be in charge of the spot in
 difficult environment.In addition, myself was just these days, but have met an unbelievable educator.

 Fortunately a teacher, a student, parents, the tripartite relations are good, and, in the school,
 everybody always has feeling of thankfulnesses.
 I think of the activity called the PTA to be active in the meaning to stare at oneself seriously.


■第66回金沢市工芸展/The 66th Kanazawa Arts and Crafts Exhibiton


 第66回金沢市工芸展審査会風景/The 66th Kanazawa Arts and Crafts exhibition Judge committee. 

 2010/03/05 16:00 金沢名鉄エムザ
 Gallery talking was held from 16:00 on 5th, and I commented as the vice-chief director.
 The gallery talking while I recited the work of the prizewinner with a winner and a judge was very popular
 and was full of a large number of people.

 2010/03/05 18:00 金沢スカイホテル
 表彰式と懇親会があり、金沢市長 山出保氏が大賞を受賞した松永慶氏に賞状を授与する。左には会長 大樋長左衛門。
 There are a commendation ceremony and a social gathering from 18:00,
 and Mayor Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu confers a certificate of merit on Kei Matsunaga who won grand prix.
 and left kanazawa City Crafts Council president Ohi Chozaemon.



 5日18時より表彰式と懇親会があり、金沢市長 山出 保氏、会長 大樋長左衛門、理事長 中川衛氏をはじめとした役員、

 The 66th Kanazawa arts and Crafts exhibition was opened on March 3 in Kanazawa Meitetsu emuza until 8th.
 An judge committee was opened on 2nd, and I chose being selected 22 awarding works 200 accept
 works as a judge.

 Gallery talking was held from 16:00 on 5th, and I commented as the vice-chief director.
 The gallery talking while I recited the work of the prizewinner with a winner and a judge was very popular
 and was full of a large number of people.

 We had a commendation ceremony and a social gathering on 5th from 18:00,
 and Mayor Kanazawa Yamade Tamotsu, president of Kanazawa City Crafts Council Chozaemon Ohi,
 the chief director Mamoru Nakagawa, the various places of the guest praised a prizewinner, a winner.




 HERMES JAPAN社長 藤本幸三氏、そしてパリからGabriele Pezzini氏、Corinne Poux-Bernard氏、私.
 from left Mr.Fukumitsu Matsutaro(president of Fukumitsuya Sake Factory), Miss.Ito Fumiko(designer).
 Mr Fujimoto Kozo (prsident of Hermes Japan). from Paris Hermes Mr.Gabriele Pezzini、Miss.Corinne Poux-Bernard.

 今日は亡くなった妹 由美の誕生日だ。だからなのか、素晴らしいお客様を迎えることができた。

 HERMES JAPAN社長 藤本幸三氏、そしてパリからGabriele Pezzini氏、Corinne Poux-Bernard氏が来宅された。


 It is a birthday of late younger sister Yumi today.
 Therefore I was able to meet a splendid visitor.

 It was visited my main house Mr. Gabriele Pezzini, Mr. Corinne Poux-Bernard from HERMES PARIS and
 HERMES JAPAN president Kozo Fujimoto.
 Investigation seems to be a purpose in a traditional industries and crafts in Kanazawa.

 I hope that the product which Hermes was with a manual skill of Kanazawa in the future is produced.
 I had at the tea ceremony that the number of products of the Hermes was used them in tea-ceremony room
 "hodoan" for wellcoming.


■スェーデン大使夫妻来宅/Ambassador of Sweden Visited Ohi Museum


 スウエーデン大使Stefan Noree'n氏、夫人Grazyna Noree'n氏と私。於 大樋美術館
 Sweden Ambassador Stefan Noree'n, and Mrs. Grazyna Noree'n. at Ohi Museum

 10th Ohi Chozaemon Helped tea bowl making.

 スウエーデン大使であるStefan Noree'n氏、夫人であるGrazyna Noree'n氏が来宅された。

 また、その際に案内役として同 行された故 高円宮憲仁殿下•久子妃殿下から光栄にも私もご紹介頂いたことがある。

 It was visited Ohi main house by Sweden Ambassador Stefan Noree'n, Mrs. Grazyna Noree'n.
 Aroud 10 yeas ago, King and Queen of Sweden visited to Kanazawa.
 My father Ohi Chozaemon gets the opportunity to explains arts and crafts of Kanazawa. In addition,
 I have had chance to introduce me to honor from Imperial Highness late Norihito Takamadonomiya
 * His Imperial Highness Hisako Takamadonomiya. It was very special occasion.

 It was the visit of the purpose that Mr. and Mrs. ambassador was visited with a footstep of Kanazawa
 that their king and queen visited.
 There was the relationship, and it was visited my home.
 "The rim" which we do not ask a race is a mysterious thing.


■モントレージャズフェスティバル能登プレイベント/Jazz Festival in Noto


 I took this photo at Noto Beach Side Free Way Shirao IC ( I was not driving)

 コンサートで同席した友人•ゴーゴーカレーグループ代表 宮森宏和氏、あえの風、七尾市和倉温泉
 I met one of my good friend (Miyamori Hirokazu•
 President of Go Go Curry Group) at jazz concert(Aenokaze,Wakura,Nanao,Ishikawa Pref)


  今回、プレイベントとして穐吉敏子(あきよし としこ)氏、


 The Monterrey jazz festival is famous. I went even to California,
 and was supplied to the city office 50 times as a commemorativework in the commemoration concert.
 The excitement at that time was able to be experienced.
 Nanao City has held the festival that has already exceededover 20 times where the event was shared.

 This time, the concert by Akiyoshi toshiko (pianist) and Suzuki Yoshio was held in Aenokaze Wakura Nanao,
 and I was invited.

 This jazz festival is held every summer in Nanao. Andthis result tells us many jazz funs from Ishikawa Prefecture,
 and the junior's by elementary schools,
 junior high schools and high schools student promotion is also advanced by this event.

 It was busy holiday. However it means a lot for me.


■金沢の休日•友人の個展/Frieds’ Exhibitions


 February 7. Continued long time coldness in Kanazawa.And blue sky to Kanazawa today.



 February 7. Continued long time coldness in Kanazawa.
 And blue sky to Kanazawa today.
 2 friend of mine exhibitions ends today.

 The boots that had been danced by the rock'n'roll in old times was taken out, because of fine weather.
 It still walked in the pavement where the snow remained like the skater.
 I went to the bridge of the UMENOHASHI.
 Mountains that had been covered with the snow appeared after a long time.
 "Kanazawa is a good place. " I said by myself.

 And, I visited friend's exhibitions..

 ■増田守世君の個展/Exhibition of Masuda Syuse
 the Gallery place East Chayaga street "ISSYO' was named by 10th Ohi Chozaemon. it means 'One Laugh"

 Exhibition of Masuda Syuse


 He won the Nitten Special Award(The Japan Fine Arts Exhibit selecting specially last year).
 It is a new new spiritedness Clay Artist.

 His show was very succeeded.
 the place East Chayagait street "ISSYO' was named by 10th Ohi Chozaemon. it means 'One Laugh"

 I understood his modest character in the work.
 His life is remarkable.Do your best Masuda!!!

 ■中村信喬さんの個展/Exhibition of Nakamura Shinkyo
 Nakamura Shinkyo Exhibition


 Nakamura Shinkyo from Fukuoka. He is craftman for Traditional Hakata Doll.
 The age might be near and existence like the elder brother.

 His show at Kanazawa Gallery is once every two years.
 He is the one of the leader of Japan Crafts Association now.
 He will be The living national treasure some day soon.


■現代工芸美術家協会石川会総会/General Meeting of Contemporary Crafts Asociation Ishikawa


 The Japan Contemporary Arts and craft Association of Ishikawa cerebrated for me
 (the 41st Nitten Members Award Winner) at the general meeting.

 BUSHIDO ( code of samurai) is one of important code and it means sense of human natures.
 I want to devote myself by the desire. from my speech.
 want to devote myself by the desire.





 The Japan Contemporary Arts and craft Association has about 50 years history.

 This 549 regular members, 199 ordinary members, and 177 associate members. (October in 2008).
 This association as the branch organization over 15 nationwide blocks is possessed,
 and the headquarters and the branch association develop various activities while keeping an intimate interrelation.

 The Ishikawa association appears one of the most active branch.
 It has produced lot of recipient of the Order of Cultures, Culture Merit, the member of Japan Art Academy,
 and the leader in Nitten(The Japan Fine Arts Exhibit. The 50th commemoration exhibition and the 51st exhibition
 have already been decided to be held 2011 in the 21st Century contemporary Art Museum Kanazawa.
 It means Ishikawa association is noteworthy level and is high forcus.

 The general meeting of the Ishikawa association was held at a Kanazawa new grand hotel on February 6.
 Management by the 50th commemoration exhibition becomes a main topic of discussion.
 And, the dinner party was together.

 and a choice winner, a winner, and I was cerebrated last year's Nitten(The Japan Fine Arts Exhibit member prize.
 And it was encouraged that three people by the Ishikawa association for the 49th of Japan arts and craft exhibition.

 Related site:http://www.gendaikougei.or.jp/about.html


■静岡県•石川県交流事業/Shizuoka Prefecture & Ishikawa Prefecture Exchange Program


 with Mr.Kumakura Isao
 (President of the Shizuoka Prefecture cultural art university; president of Hayashihara museum)

 one of plate was I made for special meal of dainty and refined and each served individually





 Ishikawa prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture has started cultural exchange since Shizuoka Airport was
 established in last year.

 The Shizuoka airport is surrounded by the tea plantation and it was impressive.
 I also had just done comfortable air travel by FDA (Shizuoka dream air) only a few weeks ago.
 And now, Shizuoka Prefecture is approaching of the productive center of tea culture seriously.

 Both of prefecture have planned the Kaga (Kanazawa) classical Style of meal and the special Shizuoka tea
 selection for the lunch at Kanazawa's long-established restaurant Kinjoro was held today.

 Mr.Kumakura Isao (President of the Shizuoka Prefecture cultural art university; president of Hayashihara museum)
 transmitted 'TOCHA'from Kamakura Period(1185-1333) was compared and guessed for each tea.
 And later on all participation tried this cultural tea tasting.

 And, the table coordinated by Miss. Kimura Fumi was deep considered about Setsubun
 (calender of the day before spring) ,
 it was beautiful. And, each Shizuoka tea was selected for each Kanazawa traditional dish.

 I am obliged to each prefecture workers because I sat with Mr.Kumakura.
 I understood his deep studied for the tea ceremony, and with other Japanese culture.
 I learned the importance of the thing to review from old custom by his conversation.




 2010/01/29 Eat金沢でのセレモニーでのパフォーマンス(金沢市文化ホール)
 eAT KANAZAWA Award Ceremony
 It became music concert, from left Sakamoto Miu (singer), Morimoto Chie(Producer of eAT 2010 eAT KANAZAWA),
 Kawai Kenji(composer),Tosa Nobimichi(Meiwa Electronic),OHI TOSHIO,Miyata Hitoshi(creative director)
 Hamano Yasuki (Professor Tokyo University) and Nakashima Shinya.

 2010/01/30 eAT金沢セミナー(金沢市芸術村)
 eAT Seminar from left Nakshima Shinya, Lily Franky (artist) Hosoda Mamoru(movie director)

 2010/01/30 夜塾/Night School(金沢湯涌温泉)
 with Nakashima Shinya,Lily Franky andmyself

  eATとはelectronic art talentということからネーミングされ、






 eAT! It is named from electronic art talent,
 and it has been held by Kanazawa City as a festival of electronic art since 1997.
 This year 2010, "[Palpitation] body festival" was done to Chie Morimoto
 (gone 'Presider, art director, and communications director).
 It became the 14th times though the execution chairman (Shinya Nakashima)
 nominated an integrated producer every year and it was held.
 I was also joined as an execution committee every year.

 The 29th
  The forum and the award ceremony were done in a Kanazawa city cultural hall.
  The winner obtains the privilege that it can be production of something by using the traditional craft Kanazawa
  has by the one "Expert prize" the matter's that should make a special mention being enacted.
  Kawai Kenji(composer) who won last year's expert prize is interesting.
  His electric guitar in the Kanazawa lacqering was finished up by handmadein Kanazawa
  and the lacquer (lacqering) in Kanazawa. I will feel the character in the some futures.
  The 2010 winner is Lily Franky (illustrator) what of next year?

  And, the end became music concert in the stage. I also participate as a drummer
  (drum made of electricity of Meiwa).

 The 30th
  It is a seminar in the Kanazawa city art village.
  "[Tokimeki Saund]" Kawai Kenji, [biame] Sakamoto (singer), and [tosashinmichi] (Meiwa electricity) Kengo
  "[Tokimeki Design]" Kato (art director) and Mamoru Chie Morimoto and [satoutaku]
  "[Tokimeki Movie]" Hosoda (movie director) Lily Franky; Nakashima Shinya

 Night Shcool at Hot Sprig Hotel
  The lecturer talks with the participant.

 It is an event that gathers by young people from the whole country and is very interesting.

 Related site:http://eatx.bp-musashi.jp/index.html


■静岡での九つの音色展/The Nine Harmony Exhibition


 It will be last nine harmony Exhibition at Shizuoka Nippondaira Hotel.

 Mt. Fuji can be commanded from the exhibition.


 Nine harmony Exhibitions were held at Nippondaira Hotel(Shizuoka) in 23rd and 24th of January.

 This group of nine people decided 10 years period. And this exhibition becomes the last one.
 This last exhibition in the place was the perfect location because it was able to look at Mt. Fuji.

 we could held in three exhibitions in Tokyo Niponbashi Mitsukoshi,
 Beijing, Seoul, and Fukuoka, etc. if it thought. The academic exchange with Seoul National University,
 Tsinghua University Beijing. also Miyata Ryohei was our representative and he became president of
 the Tokyo national Fine Art University.

 There was a close bond of affection between each artist.
 We never forget this time opportunity.


■竹村友里さんの個展/Exhibition of Takemura Yuri


 竹村友里さんの個展 金沢•ガレリアポンテにて
 Miss Takemura Yuri had exhibition at Gallery Porte in Kanazawa




 Miss.Takemura Yuri is wonderful woman clay artist and lives in Kanazawa.
 I visited her exhibition at Porte Gallery inKanazawa.

 It seems to be useless her making approach is spending time.
 However, her forming not to be able to make from other people,
 and every work tells us her gentle mind with her dignity.

 I have been paying attention to her work since that time though she trained in the
 Kanazawa Utatsuyama craft Center,
 and it was possible to meet many times. I am very much her future.


■裏千家東京道場初釜式/Urasenke Tokyo New Years’ Tea Ceremony


 with grand tea master Hounsai Sen Genshitsu.

 右に渋沢 麗扇さん(麗扇会主宰)女優 中谷美紀さん
 Right Miss Shibusawa Reisen (Head of Reisen School) and Actress Nakatani Miki.



 I attended in the New Years' Tea Ceremony at Urasenke Tokyo.
 The grand tea master Zabousai made a tea for all of his friend guests.
 Also that tea was the last ceremony for that day.
 He was so beautiful during his making tea.It was special time.
 And,normally it would be formal style of dinner for tea ceremony,
 but we invited to the reception room, and became a dinner party.
 the most people are grand tea master Zabousai friends.

 Now, I am working in the studio every day for the one-man exhibition (Tokyo Mitsukoshi) and the
 Japan Contemporary Craft exhibition. It was only five hours in Tokyo and returned to Kanazawa.


■金沢の大雪•金沢大学留学生の授業開始/Heavy Snow•Started Kanazawa University Class


 金沢大学留学生の制作授業始まる。於 大樋工房
 It started class for Kanazawa University International students at my Ohi studio.

 It was midnight, in front of Ohi Chozaemon House and Ohi Museum.






 Kanazawa has been heavy snowing since the day before yesterday.
 The time runs so fast for me because I am working in studio from the New Year days.

 The international student at Kanazawa University did this afternoon and visit to my studio.
 It is 12 times after I started this program. And then I became Kanazawa University guest professor.
 The first class day mysteriously it was snow since I started.

 After 40 students had left from my studio, I worked by myself until midnight.
 It was a deep snow and not able to fine of my car when going out of the studio.
 Out side was beautiful.
 There is also no tire marks in the road because the studio is suburbs.
 It was mysterious impression!

 Parents have already been going to bed when I arrived at my house.
 I turned the light on quietly and I took pictures with the reflected light of snow.
 It is a heavy snow after a long time.

 However, city will be panic because of the snow tomorrow.
 And, we might also spend a day only for the Ohi Museum, the studio, because clearing snow.


■金沢版クラフトツーリズム/Kanazawa Crafts Tourism


 金沢版クラフトツーリズム/Kanazawa Crafts Tourism
 The United States,China,and Korea people participated for this tour and English speaker volunteer guide
 were together. I talked about Kanazawa Crafts by my English explanation.



 I am deeply related to the administration of sightseeing in the Kanazawa city.
 The Kanazawa city executed the kanazawa craft tourism for the first time last October.
 The tour was created for special guests for crafts in Kanazawa.
 Kanazawa world craft city conference and the Kanazawa creative city conference were held in Kanazawa on last October.
 Variegated lecturer were invited such as France, Belgium, the United States, China, South Korea, and Taiwan.
 We planned for special crafts tour for these people.. In that case,
 I was going to cooperate of making tea bowl and showing firing in my studio.and experienced the tea ceremony in Ohi Museum.

 Kanazawa city to have been selected as a visit Japan campaign emphasis district by the sightseeing agency,
 and to have worked as "Craft tourism" of winter intended for the foreigner.
 It was going to be notified on the Internet, to gather by the participant such as the United States, China, Australia,
 and South Korea, and to explain the tea ceremony etc. in English.


■フランス人記者の取材/Interview from L’EST REPUBLICAIN France


 フランス人記者であるEmmanuelle Ballue氏から取材を受ける 於 大樋美術館
 Interview from L’EST REPUBLICAIN France at OHI MUSEUM.

 Emmanuelle Ballue氏にっとては初めての日本で、それも金沢が最初の訪問地だ。
 I hear that Miss. Emmanuelle Ballue who is the journalist is first Japan, and Kanazawa is the first visit city.
 And she has learned about Japanese culture before she came to Japan

  フランス•ナンシー市にある新聞社L’EST REPUBLICAINから取材を受けた。

 それにしても記者であるEmmanuelle Ballue氏は初めての日本で、それも金沢が最初の訪問地だそうだ。

 I had a interview from newspaper L'EST REPUBLICAIN near the Nancy city France.
 Journalist Miss. Emmanuelle Ballue is planing to visit Kanazawa,Takayama and Shirakawago by this occasion.
 I hear that the Takayama and Kanazawa are popular among coverage and the tourist from foreign countries.
 Naturally, my family receive many foreigners' visits to Ohi Museum].
 Ishikawa Prefecture and the Kanazawa city are creating on special tourism.

 I hear that Miss. Emmanuelle Ballue who is the journalist is first Japan, and Kanazawa is the first visit city.
 However, when she just sat down and to drink bowl of tea at my tea room.
 I understood she has learned about Japanese culture before she came.
 I am very much looking forward to reed about her article.


■米澤賢司氏/Mr.Yonezawa Kenji(member of a Prefectural Assembly)


 米澤賢司氏/Mr.Yonezawa Kenji(member of a Prefectural Assembly)

 Mr Yonezawa Rikyu regularly used his favorite Vessel which I made about 10 yeas ago.





 Mr Yonezawa Kenji (member of the Ishikawa prefectural assembly) came to home, and I heard the his father's talk.
 He was just past away at the end of last year.
 Father Yonezawa Rikyu was important local politician and the chairperson
 of the Ishikawa prefectural assembly was experienced.

 It is said that one of the impressions of father who remains in memories was a drink at dinner.
 At first, he drunk hot sake with regular glass, but he made hot sake by hiself, and he pours into the vessel(徳利)
 and he looked so happy with that moment in his later year period.

  I hear that the jar gotten from his supporter. Mr Yonezawa kenji remembers for all his those days.he visited me
 because I made that vessel, and he just wanted to tell me about this story.

 Someone is pleased in the place where it won't know anything, and time passes. And,
 it becomes a desire going out and it is memorized.

 I was able to relate to with them and I have no wards to express my gratitude with sadness.
 this story impressed me deeply in 2010 year.


■平成22年の誓い/Make a wish for 2010


 新年の誓い/Make a wish for 2010!
 King of Zosef Pyramid Saqqara Cairo,Egypt






 One year run so quick and it passes. Time is limited.
 I do not know how we feel that our life will be short time or long time since we were born.And,
 I do not understand our life is only one time or it is not.
 Everyone says the same thing, and it is not so.

 End of year, I went to Egypt.
 I hear that what it was made is a mystery in the pyramid.
 I thought pyramid was built for king grave.
 A fresh wind sang the poetry at ancient times when I went to the side.

 Summer,I visited to Yunnan Providence in China.
 And I climbed one of higy mountain(5600m)
 The [nashi] family that lives there.and doesn't climb from one area to the top pf the mountain.
 They may feel of God ahead.
 Probably Yamato (Japan)people learned from that.

 Am I an artist? Ceramic artist? Craftman? Or,designer?
 It does not matter of this.
 It looks for me true, and it is expressed.
 "Do not tell a lie" and "Prove my trust"and “ going my way. "
 I do not occasionally want to know here that knows.

 The life is travel of the self-discovery. I want to create work from my impression with my bottom of heart.
